If a simple slice of pie or cake just isn’t complicated enough after you’ve gourged on the chicken-in-a-duck-in-a-turkey poulty Voltron known as turducken, then here’s a dessert for you. Meet Pummple Cake, which combines two kinds of fruit pies (apple and pumpkin) with two kinds of cake (vanilla and chocolate) into one divine mess — and at only 1,800 calories a slice. [More]
today show

Texting While Driving So Distracting That Meredith Vieira Yells "Oh Shit" On TV
Texting while driving is pretty damn distracting. How distracting? Well, it can make a seasoned professional TV anchor yell “Oh shit!” on the air. [More]

Consumerist was on The Today Show this morning, they interviewed Facebook’s CEO and used the clip from NBC Nightly News in the segment. [Today Show]

Jim Cramer Did Not Actually Say What He Said Yesterday… Or Something
Yesterday, Jim Cramer annoyed Ann Curry by saying the following words on her little television program, which is known as The Today Show: “Ok, whatever money you may need for the next five years, please, take it out of the stock market. Right now. This week. I do not believe that you should risk those assets in the stock market.”
Baby Sleep Positioners Are Useless
Apparently, sleep positioners and bumpers are out. They say any of this pillow plush can lead to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome if the child turns its nose into it.
HOWTO: Decipher Food Manufacturer Codes
However, if you can’t remember which can of peas to keep in the pantry and which ones have botulism, this trick can help you decide which cans throw away.
AOL Canceler on Today Show
Vincent Ferrari showed up on the Today Show for a little morning chat with Matt Lauer. Props to NBC for playing a huge chunk of the conversation, which we haven’t seen done in other media outlets. Of course, they do cut out the part in the call where Vincent says, “you’re annoying the shit out of me” but that’s the breaks of prime time. Matt seems amused and befuddled at Vincent’s affair, guess the networks have decided to sympathise with the little guy on this one.