
Senate Committee Votes To Give FDA Power To Regulate Tobacco

Senate Committee Votes To Give FDA Power To Regulate Tobacco

The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee voted 13-8 to empower the FDA to regulate tobacco products. States and municipalities have spent years shoving cigarettes out of the public domain, but the FDA would be able to control cigarette advertising, mandate bigger, European-style warning labels, and regulate nicotine content. Only Congress has the power to ban cigarettes outright. From the Boston Globe:

Yesterday’s slim majority however, came as Republican-sponsored amendments loom that could gut the bill’s main intent.

Five Things Tobacco Companies Wish They Never Said

Here’s five thing about nicotine’s addictiveness and the industry’s underlying motives that tobacco companies probably wish they never said. Not like they’re a shock or anything, it’s just that they’re there, in print, in court documents. Blamo.

Wacky Tobaccy

Wacky Tobaccy

The cover of a 2002 anti-smoking pamphlet brought to you by your friends at the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Besides the fact that no kids gather in ice-cream parlors anymore, where does the one above even exist? They must have had to open up the secret wing of the confectioner’s museum for the photo shoot.

Clowns Choose Camels For Superior Flavor, Poignancy

Clowns Choose Camels For Superior Flavor, Poignancy

NYT reporteth:

The News Wins a Kosher Kitchen

The News Wins a Kosher Kitchen

• Ebay prez pledges to get rid of those 95 cent items with $50 shipping costs. [Ebay]

Welcome To CarcinogenAir, Please Don’t Not Smoke While On Board

Welcome To CarcinogenAir, Please Don’t Not Smoke While On Board

Finally! A flying cure house in which chain smoking travelers can turn themselves into strips of walking, talking, coughing jerky.

The News; Rich, Creamy, Lung Cancer

The News; Rich, Creamy, Lung Cancer

• Nation’s factories prescribed Cialis. [NYT]

Pith & Vinegar & Electricity

Pith & Vinegar & Electricity

• Lil’ ‘lectrician kit at Amazon. They’re never to young to learn about sticking stuff in electrical sockets. [Amazon]

Won’t Big Tobacco Please Think of the Children?

Won’t Big Tobacco Please Think of the Children?

Over at the Cancer Blog, they are talking about how the Tobacco Industry spends over 12.4 billion dollars a year on advertising. Pretty big number. Channeling Mrs. Lovejoy, they cry out, “Won’t someone please think of the children?” Apparently, the fact that the rolling eyeballs of a toddler might accidentally stray across a tobacco ad in his father’s copy of Maxim will turn that toddler into a chain-huffing smoker.

Lucky Strikes Means Fine Tobacco

Another brilliant spot from the golden age of tobacco advertisement. So firm, so round, so fully packed! Lucky Strikes got back!

Fred Flintstone: “Winston Tastes Good Like A Cigarette Should”

Ah, the halcyon days of advertising, where Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble relax with a refreshing Winston cigarette while their wives slavishly toil.

FedEx Clamps Down On Online Cigarette Retailers

FedEx Clamps Down On Online Cigarette Retailers

Bad news for you Internet-shopping tobacco monkeys out there: Fed-Ex is clamping down on online tobacco merchants.

They Work for Them: The Center for Consumer Freedom

They Work for Them: The Center for Consumer Freedom

The Center for Consumer Freedom is a lobbying and media group that advocates ‘consumer choice,’ specifically the choice to consume fast foods, alcohol, and tobacco. Originally founded with money from a grant from the Philip Morris company (and launching as the ‘Guest Choice Network’), the Center for Consumer Freedom is currently funded by a long list of food and restaurant companies, including Coco-Cola, Monsanto, Tyson Foods, and Applebees.

French Newspapers Fined Over Formula One Tobacco Photos

The French, always leading the charge in indignant posturing, are dumping napalm on the anti-tobacco bonfire then throwing a hand grenade on top. In France, it is already illegal to advertise tobacco in publications. Also illegal? Taking photographs of Formula One race car drivers who happen to have Marlboro patches on their race suits.