While much attention has been paid to the growing movement to improve the wages of fast food and retail workers in the U.S., there have been a number of of lawsuits in the last year involving long-held payment practices at the nation’s gentlemen’s clubs. Dancers at an Atlanta strip club are the latest to sue club owners, alleging that they are being forced to pay the owners for the right to work at the club. [More]
tipping point

Lottery Winner Grabs Burger In Canadian Midwest, Leaves $10,000 Tip
Passing through Saskatchewan, a man from British Columbia, Canada happened to stop in a little restaurant to grab a burger. The visitor wrote a $10,000 check and told the restaurant owner to take his bill out of that and keep the rest. Was it some kind of scam? No, just a very generous lottery winner. [More]

Well, At Least Most People Aren’t Stingy Jerks When They Tip
Tipping is a hot topic here on Consumerist, and…well, everywhere else online too. Common decency dictates that when you use a coupon or otherwise get discounted services or chow, you should still tip based on the original sticker price. Makes sense, right? And yet, a recent survey shows that 26% of adults who say that they leave tips claim that they tip based on the post-coupon total. For shame! [More]

This Waffle House Adds 20% Surcharge To Pay For Security
Used to be, if a business wanted to spend money to bolster its security, it would have to eat that cost or pass it on to the customer in the form of higher prices. But one Atlanta Waffle House has decided to keep the menu prices the same, and just tack on a 20% surcharge to cover the extra security cost. [More]

Doctors Aren't Fans Of Instant Soup After Treating Patients Burned By Those Products
Cup of noodles? More like cup of pain, say doctors who treat many patients with burns related to incidents involving those Styrofoam cups full of hot microwaved liquid. The very design of those cups is dangerous, says a new report. [More]