Twitter is upping its video game with a few announcements this week, including the news that all users can now post videos up to 140 seconds in length, up from 30 seconds. [More]
time is on your side

Chicago Officials: TSA Wait Times Have Dropped To Less Than 10 Minutes At City’s Airports
After weeks of excessively long lines at Transportation Security Administration checkpoints plagued travelers going through Chicago’s airports, the city’s officials says wait times are down to less than 10 minutes. [More]

IKEA Says You Won’t Lose Your Mind Assembling New Furniture That Takes Only 5 Minutes To Put Together
Many an epic ballad chronicling triumph and woe has been sung by IKEA customers struggling to put together a flat-pack bookshelf using only a little silver tool, a mallet, a bag of bits and bobs you’re bound to lose and a set of instructions written in pictograms. There may be some relief in sight (not from the hieroglyphics, those are probably here to stay) if IKEA’s newest furniture line is as easy to assemble as the company says it is. [More]

Lunchboxes Are A Lie! And Other Back-To-School Savings Tips To Keep In Mind
Time Magazine’s Brad Tuttle, who writes the Cheapskate Blog, is a little late to the back-to-school tips train (or is he early for next year?) but makes up for the tardiness with some zingers in his 10 ways to save on school piece.