theme parks

$20 For 30 Seconds Of You Riding A Roller Coaster?

$20 For 30 Seconds Of You Riding A Roller Coaster?

Here’s a strange complaint. We don’t usually get too many people griping about getting ripped off in an amusement park, because, well… everyone knows amusement parks are a ripoff. This is not a secret. It takes a pretty egregious fleecing by a theme park before the roller coaster nuts start complaining about it.

How Walt Disney Invented America

How Walt Disney Invented America

There’s an excellent piece in the March National Geographic that explores how Walt Disney’s vision of Orlando set the mold for the exurbs (“A region lying beyond the suburbs of a city, especially one inhabited principally by wealthy people”) proliferating across America.

Looks Like a Theme Park, Smells Like a Church

Looks Like a Theme Park, Smells Like a Church

In a great leap forward for workers’ rights, but a disappointment to throngs of born-again tourists, management of the Holy Land Experience theme park in Orlando cancelled the daily crucifixion. “Park officials were apologetic but firm: None of their employees would hang on the cross during a lightning storm.”