
Massive Citibank Fraud Alert: UPDATE

Massive Citibank Fraud Alert: UPDATE

Citibank may bee trying to keep this huge scandal so under wraps that they haven’t even disclosed it internally, leaving Citibank workers just as clueless as to why many customers can’t access their accounts in Canada, the UK and Russia. Is there a systemic security breach?

Wal-Mart Executive Funds $500,000 Booze-Fueled Rampage

Wal-Mart Executive Funds $500,000 Booze-Fueled Rampage

It turns out that our loathed, stinky arch-nemesis Wal-Mart doesn’t merely steal the souls of the self-respecting working Joe (not to mention the serenity of America’s picturesque highway suburbs). It also steals from itself.

Shoplifters Run Down by Marines

Shoplifters Run Down by Marines

Two lessons to be learned from this story about shoplifters in Ft. Myers, Florida.

Barcode Magic: Felony Forgery Made Easy

The Switch—it’s one of the great classics of shoplifting techniques. Traditionally, The Switch involves preexisting tags of disparate value. Properly executed, a price tag of lower total cost will replace the original, leaving the shoplifter with a lower price at the checkout. (If one feels guilty later, The Inverse Switch can be used to mark prices up.)