
From PayPal To PayPauper

From PayPal To PayPauper

A thousand times a day, PayPal emails most of us and informs us that there’s been a grave compromise in our accounts. Would we like to just click this big bright button and fix it, please? And just like that, your entire savings has been funneled into a phisher’s pornography investment.

Pepsi Snitches on Coca-Cola Trade Secrets Thief

Pepsi Snitches on Coca-Cola Trade Secrets Thief

The wonderful world of industrial soft-drink espionage. Three employees of Coca-Cola Inc. are under arrest for attempting to sell trade secrets (and a sample of a new drink — what can they add cherry and vanilla to this time?) to rival Pepsi.

Stolen Veteran Affairs Laptop Recovered

Stolen Veteran Affairs Laptop Recovered

After much hand and flag-wringing, a laptop containing millions of veteran’s personal data has been recovered. A preliminary analysis by police reveals that the sensitive information was not accessed during the theft.

What, Me Warrant?

What, Me Warrant?

The AP reports that federal and local law enforcement agencies routinely circumvent warrants and acquire citizens’ phone records from private information collectors, often for free.

Consumerist Data Theft Story #30451: AIG Server Stolen

Consumerist Data Theft Story #30451: AIG Server Stolen

The last 930,000 people in the world who have yet to have their identities stolen can rest easy. Congratulations, guys! You’ve finally joined the status quo!

How Not To Steal A Sidekick

How Not To Steal A Sidekick, Ernst & Young Lose 0.25 Million Credit Card Numbers, Ernst & Young Lose 0.25 Million Credit Card Numbers

250,000 customers woke up to super great news Friday morning: “Um, sorry guys, all your credit card numbers were stolen.”

Lawsuit Filed for 26.5 Mil Vets in Data Privacy Snafu

Lawsuit Filed for 26.5 Mil Vets in Data Privacy Snafu

A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of the 26.5 million vets whose personal records were lost by Veterans Affairs due to employee negligence, reports the AP.

How Many Weeks Does It Take To Tell A Veteran His Identity Has Been Stolen?

How Many Weeks Does It Take To Tell A Veteran His Identity Has Been Stolen?

we cursorily mentioned the fact that the authorities investigating the theft of the laptop that resulted in the names, addresses and social security numbers of every living veteran being stolen waited three weeks to alert the public. But it took awhile for that to sink in.

Are Identity Thieves Targeting Idiot Employees?

Are Identity Thieves Targeting Idiot Employees?

Consumer Affairs raises an interesting question in its summary of the theft of 26 million social security numbers on a burgled laptop: are these targeted thefts?

Data on Millions of Veterans Stolen

Data on Millions of Veterans Stolen

The old gray stallion ain’t what he used to be…

Email Users Incompetent At Spying Out Scams

Email Users Incompetent At Spying Out Scams

We saw this great post indicating exactly how clueless the average person is when trying to detect spam of phishing schemes in their in-box. The blogger launched a site called to see how savvy Internet users were across the board when trying to detect email fraud. Unfortunately, users of the site are failing the test in overwhelming rates.

BREAKING: Wells Fargo Loses Laptop With Customers Private Data

BREAKING: Wells Fargo Loses Laptop With Customers Private Data

Lee received a letter today from Wells Fargo notifying him that they lost a laptop containing his and other customer’s private data.

Gizmondo’s ‘Fat Stefan’ Eriksson Arrested For Car Theft

Gizmondo’s ‘Fat Stefan’ Eriksson Arrested For Car Theft

You may remember Gizmondo founder Stefan ‘Fat Stefan’ Eriksson. He’s the guy who crashed a $1 million Ferrari, claimed a mysterious German man named Dietrich was the driver, identified himself to the police as a Deputy Commissioner for the counter-terrorism unit of a handicapped bussing service and apparently had a group of employees identify themselves as Homeland Security at the scene of the crime and tamper with evidence. There’ve been many other wrinkles, but who can keep up? ‘Fat Stefan’ is a highly entertain lunatic.

UPDATE: Stolen FedEx Package

Last week, we wrote about a woman whose Tivo she ordered through HDEasy was missing from her doorstep after being delivered by FedEx.

Consumerist Complaints: Stolen FedEx Package

Reader Clare P. wrote in with her tale of anguish and woe after a Tivo that she’d ordered through HDEasy was stolen from her doorstep after being delivered by FedEx. Adding to the frustration, Clare’s been having an aggravating game of phone tag with the support lines for Tivo, FedEx and HDEasy, trying to figure out the process for filing her claim and getting a replacement.

Citibank’s Statement on the ATM Crisis

Citibank’s Statement on the ATM Crisis

Citigroup spokesperson Elizabeth Fogarty released the following statement to us regarding the ATM crisis:

Massive Citibank Alert: UPDATE

Massive Citibank Alert: UPDATE

EXCLUSIVE: More dirt on the Citibank ATM failures. What happened after we posed as a concerned customer, as well as secret codes for hassling the Citibank public affairs department after the jump…