In 2014, new car sales increased to 16.5 million, the highest level since 2006, but did too many car buyers take on more than they could afford? [More]
the repo man cometh

While Mom Gambles, Repo Man Takes Away Car With Kid Inside
A Florida woman who allegedly left her kid inside her car while she gambled at an internet cafe found her vehicle and child missing when she got back. It turns out a repo man had swooped in and taken her car, unaware of its precious cargo. Now the woman faces charges of neglect. [More]

Toyota Demands Quick Payment For Repo'd Car, Is Slow To Give Vehicle Back
Christopher came to his parents’ rescue, forking over $12,000 to Toyota to retrieve their repossessed ride. Toyota insisted it get the funds immediately, but days after Christopher’s check cleared it told him his parents might have to wait another week to get the car back. On top of that, the family is responsible for towing fees, which grow by the day. [More]

Even The Rich Are Not Immune To Long Arm Of Repo Man
It’s a line of work that begs to be turned into George Clooney’s next existential Oscar bait film — a high-end repo man who swiped the toys of the wealthy to repay debt. CNN profiles Ken Cage, whose job it is to nab Gulfstreams, Cessnas, yachts and what have you, with the aid of former pro wrestler Randy Craft, fated to be played in a movie by Mickey Rourke. [More]