One of the most common reasons someone might be tempted to purchase counterfeit product is price — fakes are likely to be much cheaper than the real thing, hence the appeal. So the choice by popular musician Taylor Swift to fight back against counterfeits by selling $60 T-shirts is well, a bit of a head scratcher. [More]
the real thing

Taylor Swift Fighting Counterfeit Products By Partnering With Chinese Companies To Sell $60 Branded T-Shirts

Coke's Secret Formula Moved To Atlanta Museum
For the first time since 1925, Coca-Cola has moved its secret recipe out of a bank vault, and put it on display in the company’s World of Coca-Cola museum in Atlanta. But “on display” doesn’t exactly mean visible, since the exhibit includes its own vault, which is about all visitors will be able to see. [More]

Blind Taste Test Shows That You Don't Really Prefer Mexican Coke
“What, Consumerist?! Nooo!” I hear you yelling at the screen after reading the title of this post. “I find Mexican Coca-Cola vastly superior. My sweet tooth is too sensitive! My palate is too refined!” That’s probably what the participants in a blind taste test for Serious Eats said, too. But tasters didn’t prefer the fine, refrescotaste of Mexican Coke. They liked one of two things: American coke poured from a glass bottle (even if they never saw the bottle), or American Coke that they were led to believe was Mexican Coke. [More]