When you receive a spam text, you just ignore the message and delete the text, right? Sure, but it’s also a good idea to check your upcoming phone bills, since the service that sent the text may also be cramming unwanted charges on your phone bills. Two more people involved in such a scheme that ran from 2011 to 2013 were charged yesterday in federal court. [More]

Federal Employees Banned From Texting While Driving
An executive order issued this week bans federal employees from texting while driving when using government vehicles or phones, or while on government business. Given the safety risks of texting while driving, we think this was a good move, and hope that it extends to the general population. Take our poll and tell us what you think, inside.

Economics Professor Self-Publishes Textbook To Subvert Overpriced Publishing Industry
R. Preston McAfee, a Cal Tech economics professor, is annoyed at how overpriced textbooks are. “‘The person who pays for the book, the parent or the student, doesn’t choose it,’ he said. ‘There is this sort of creep. It’s always O.K. to add $5.'” To fight back, he’s foregone the potential six-figure advance traditional publishing would have granted, and published his textbook online for free.

Tell The FCC, Congress To Support Net Neutrality
Net neutrality advocates are gathering momentum to take Comcast to the woodshed for an old fashioned populist beating. Comcast believes that deliberately destroying connections to the popular communications protocol BitTorrent amounts to “reasonable network management,” which the FCC permits. Advocates figure if they can’t ride the net neutrality pony to Congressional passage now, it will forever lie dormant in the stable munching on BitTorrent packet hay.
Third-Party Text Packages Cost Subscriber $7,000 In One Month
TampaForums member Treysdad received a $7,243.29 bill after subscribing to numerous third-party text packages. By purchasing an unlimited text message plan from Nextel, Treysdad thought he could receive any texts for free.