A California man has filed a lawsuit against Sprint. Corp and Nextel of California Inc. claiming the new phone he bought for his underage son came with a set of pornographic images loaded onto it. The images were allegedly of a Sprint sales rep who worked at the same store where the phone was purchased. [More]

Sprint CEO On Losing 459,000 Customers: We Meant To Do That
The recently announced quarterly numbers from Sprint are not good, with the company losing some 459,000 contract customers at time when many of its competitors are picking up new users. But Sprint’s ever-rosy CEO Dan Hesse wants everyone to put away their mourning garb because this was all part of the company’s grand plan. [More]

Sprint Sets Nextel Execution Date: June 30, 2013
Remember 2004-2005? Let’s go back there now… Remember… back when people still thought Revenge of the Sith was going to redeem the prequels… Ok, let’s not remember, it’s too painful. Anyway, in late 2004, Sprint and Nextel announced a “merger of equals.” And now, after billions of dollars in mistakes, they’ve finally announced that Nextel will officially die on June 30, 2013. What does this mean for Nextel customers? Yes, apparently they still exist! [More]

Want The New iPhone? Here's How To Escape Your Current Cellphone Contract ETF-Free
As the second coming of the Jesusphone 3G draws near, we wanted to remind customers of other wireless carriers that there are ways to escape your existing cellphone contract free of early termination fees, and trade your piddling Verizon, Sprint, or T-Mobile bills for hundreds of pages of gloriously itemized AT&T charges. Or just switch carriers.
Sprint Doesn't Charge US Government Early Termination Fees
Sprint doesn’t charge Uncle Sam an early termination fee if he decides to get out of his cellphone contract early. Why? USAToday reports:

At Sprint, Nothing's SIMple
Allison and her husband wanted to reduce the amount of minutes they’re signed up for on their Sprint-Nextel cellphone plan. While that was a hassle in of itself and Allison ended up getting a phone with another company, the fun really begins once “”Insert SIM” started flashing on her husband’s phone (which is on the Nextel network, which uses SIM cards). Sprint seemed convinced that the SIM card had been reported as lost or stolen and couldn’t be activated. This was very bad as it was her husband’s business line. What followed were a series of 45+ minute call time waits, disconnected customer service calls, fruitless visits to the store, conflicting and confusing information given by different customer service reps and tech support personnel. During the fracas, her husband lost one customer who hadn’t been able to reach him during the outage. Over 100 days into the reign of new Sprint CEO Dan Hesse and shennanigans like the following story are still happening. Oh Danny-boy, are one of the “nukes” you have planned for revamping Sprint aimed at customer service?
A Nextel customer service rep says that earlier this week around 25,000 customers erroneously received a text message saying they would be billed $5.3 million in overages. That’s each, as in $5.3 million per person. “Suffice it to say it was a busy day at the call center,” says our insider. Anyone get one of these messages and can send in a picture of it?

Sprint Loses $29.5 Billion Dollars In A Single Quarter
Sprint has announced a fourth quarter loss of $29.5 billion, says the Chicago Tribune. Most of the loss is due to a one-time $29.5 billion writedown of its purchase of Nextel. The wireless carrier says it expects 1.2 million additional customers to leave this quarter, citing dropped calls and poor customer service as their reason for seeking less frustrating pastures.
Chief Executive Dan Hesse, who took over in December, said business is worse than he expected and is deteriorating.

Inside The Sprint Customer Service Meltdown
BusinessWeek has a truly excellent article about the customer service meltdown that lead to Sprint’s current notorious reputation for poor customer service. The article sums up what we’ve been reporting over the past year: After the Sprint/Nextel merger, “customer service” was essentially destroyed as a concept at the new company. The CSRs were rigidly timed and judged only on how short their calls were and how many contract extensions they were able to bring in. Even bathroom breaks were monitored, one ex-Sprint CSR told BusinessWeek.

Attention Nextel Customers: You Are Now Using Plain Old Sprint
Sprint’s new ad campaign has dropped the “Nextel” name and will be focusing on a new slogan “Sprint Ahead.”
Materially Adverse Clauses For All Major Cellphones – So You Can Escape Contract Without Termination Fee
Here’s a roundup of all the contract clauses regarding “materially adverse changes” for all the major cellphone carriers. When they starting charging new fees or raise the price of a service, you can use this section to argue that you need to be let out of contract without early termination fee….

AT&T Sues NASCAR Over Cingular Car's Logo
AT&T submitted a mock-up of the paint scheme in January that kept the car’s orange paint scheme and Cingular’s logo on the hood. The only AT&T branding was its trademark blue and white globe on the quarter panels.

10 Things We've Learned From 'Confessions of A Wireless Sales Rep'
Over the past week, it’s been quite a learning experience here at The Consumerist. Former and current reps from all of the major wireless companies have written in, sharing their tips and tricks and confessing their sins. It’s been a fascinating look inside the daily life of a sales rep, but what have we learned?

6 Confessions Of A Former Sprint Sales Rep
Sprint has joined the ranks of cell phone providers whose former (and current) sales reps are beating down the Consumerist’s door, eager to tell all. Let us move without delay to the confessions of a former Sprint sales rep:

Cell Phone Companies Are Terrified Of New Jersey
New Jersey has had enough. The New Jersey Assembly Consumer Affairs Committee has proposed several bills directed at cell phone companies, once of which is called the “Wireless Telephone Consumer Protection Act.” It would require “full disclosure of service levels and fees and set standards for cell phone advertisements, contracts and billing,” according to the Star-Ledger.

Giant List Of Cellphone Company Departments' Direct Numbers
Having trouble finding the special number for a specific department at your cellphone provider? Just feel like bypassing the intermediary customer service reps who might end up disconnecting the call or transferring you to the janitor’s closet?
Nextel Warranty Expires After 30 Minutes
Until Aug 11, 2006 my cell phone’s antenna housing cracked. So I called “Signal” and after spending 20 minutes describing how the phone broke, I was told that I had no insurance. So I called customer care “611”, and had a rep. help me out. He did a in house exchange because he said that I had signed the paper work but the plan was not added. He also told me that there would be a prepaid return box sent to me, and I could just send my broke phone back.
Third-Party Text Packages Cost Subscriber $7,000 In One Month
TampaForums member Treysdad received a $7,243.29 bill after subscribing to numerous third-party text packages. By purchasing an unlimited text message plan from Nextel, Treysdad thought he could receive any texts for free.