tech support

Genius Bar Might Be Staffed By Douchebags, But Apple Executive Customer Service Works

Genius Bar Might Be Staffed By Douchebags, But Apple Executive Customer Service Works

XBOX Screams That Month Old Unit’s 90-Day Warranty Is Expired

XBOX Screams That Month Old Unit’s 90-Day Warranty Is Expired

Brent’s friend bought an XBOX in November with a 90-day warranty. It died. When he called the Bangalore based tech support, “Steve” told him:

Neurotically Yours: Tech Support

Neurotically Yours: Tech Support

Cute flash movie about Foamy the Squirrel trying to get technical support for a Dell laptop. NSFW with a few lil’ cursies.

Soldier in Iraq Shoots Crappy HP Printer

Loosely in honor of 9/11, here’s an American soldier in Iraq expressing his dissatisfaction with an HP printer. With his automatic rifle. According to the original post on, after they sent this in to HP, they received a free new printer in return.

Ex-HP CSR Says His Job Really Sucked

Have compassion when you call tech support. That’s a real live human on the other end of the line (eventually).

Dell’s Low Call Time Kills Customer Service

Dell’s Low Call Time Kills Customer Service

Beyond mere armchair bubble-piping on Dell’s eroding market share blah blah blah, a former Dell tech support rep lays out plain-spoken evidence for Dell’s declining concern for their customers. It’s got numbers, too.

Dell’s Business Model Hinges on Crappy CSRs

Dell’s Business Model Hinges on Crappy CSRs

And while we all darkly mull over the meaning of Dell’s built-in keyloggers, perhaps we can cheer ourselves up by at least reminding ourselves that Dell’s entire business is pretty much face down in a men’s room toilet. And if the keylogging accusations are true, maybe Dell should just have its throat slit and the toilet flushed.

Insects Love Apples

Whilst browsing the Apple forum, looking to find a solution for why my MagSafe connector wouldn’t actually charge my MacBook Pro anymore (solution? “Buy a new one!” Thanks, Apple chuckleheads.) I came across this remarkable cry for fumigatory technical support and the accompanying video illustrating his problem: insects living inside his monitor.

iPods Killed The Genius Bar

iPods Killed The Genius Bar

One of the blogs I’ve been following recently after my experience at the Apple ‘Genius’ bar with a smug doofus who told me I’d have to return my $2,000 laptop because he couldn’t figure out how to turn a screwdriver counterclockwise is ungenius, the chronicles of an ex-Genius detailing life behind the Bar. I haven’t linked it before now because it’s never really as incriminating as I’d like.

Homestar Runner Cartoon Skewers Tech Support

Homestar Runner Cartoon Skewers Tech Support

Boring Dell Laptop Story Turns Into Inferno!

Boring Dell Laptop Story Turns Into Inferno!

Paul’s email on getting his Dell laptop repaired under warranty is pretty dry for awhile. A top-of-the-line XPS laptop with continuing power and heat issues, necessitating the same repair over and over… a repair which, to Dell’s credit, they have performed pleasantly and competently, once even when the laptop itself is out of warranty.

230 Days Of Sony BMG Support

230 Days Of Sony BMG Support

Greg over at Perfect Porridge is one of the guys who bought a rootkit-infected album from Sony BMG. He’s one of the guys who qualifies for free replacement albums and a small cash settlement for the trouble he’s gone through trying to get Sony’s sneaky piece of malware off his computer.

Great Moments in Irish Customer Service: Eircom

Great Moments in Irish Customer Service: Eircom

I have been making some rather incompetent attempts to get a Linksys WRT54G up and running so I can do some Consumerist blogging naked in bed or sitting on the toilet. These, as you may have guessed, have not met with much success, meaning I am currently writing this to you fully clothed and, as usual, full of shit.

Our Computer Fixed Yay!

Today, our laptop was fixed. A wonderful man named Vinnie V. came to our apartment and all was right with the world.



  • It’s a crack in the screen. No, it’s a hair. Guess which of these statements belongs to the Indian tech support.
  • Who Will Monitor the Dell Monitors?

    Who Will Monitor the Dell Monitors?

    Earthlink’s Incompetent Email Tech Support Frustrates Felix

    Earthlink’s Incompetent Email Tech Support Frustrates Felix

    Felix Salmon, a stalwart NYC blogger (check ’em out here) and all-around good chap, sends in his little chat with Earthlink about how his emails gets delayed for sometimes up to two days. The succession of tech reps he talks to are equally mystified, but instead of owning up or trying to resolve the issue, dump buckets of useless red herrings on his head. One of them even quits mid-session after not being able to provide an answer cribbed from the tech support binder propped open in front of him. Full juicy transcript, interlaced with Felix’s commentary after the jump.

    HP Techs Can’t Find Answer on Own Web Site

    HP Techs Can’t Find Answer on Own Web Site

    Reader Nick A’s experiences with HP’s tech support are disappointing, to say the least, especially when he finally fixed his problem with his HP computer by finding the solution on their website himself—after calling their phone support twice.