Depending on your tax situation, the approach of Tax Day is either a paperwork-filled nightmare or a day to kick back and enjoy having filed and received your refund back in January. It doesn’t matter when you filed for the growing number of Tax Day discounts and freebies at stores and restaurants, though: here are a few that might keep you fed and relaxed today. [More]
tax day

From Curly Fries To Document-Shredding: 4 Tax Day Freebies
Like a slowly approaching T-rex, whose every thunderous step sends ripples through your glass of water, the April 15 deadline for filing your income tax returns is drawing nigh. While it’s a gloom-and-doom occasion for some, it’s also a chance to score some free stuff. [More]

Ask Tax Dad: Dependent Mom And Free Fast Food
Usually, our staff Certified Tax Cat handles readers’ questions about taxes, but he’s too busy staring at a blank spot on the wall. Filling in for him is Laura’s dad, a retired accountant and real live independent tax preparer. Exclusively on Consumerist this spring, Tax Dad answers your questions. Also, to celebrate federal income tax deadline day, we link some coupons for free fast food deals good for today only.
This should be the last installment of Ask Tax Dad for 2013: tune in next year when Tax Cat comes back, Tax Dad returns, or maybe Tax Cat’s dad will show up to handle your tax questions. [More]

Check Your "Tax Receipt" To See Where Your Money Is Going
Here’s one receipt you might want to have checked… Even though today isn’t offically “Tax Day” (that’s been moved to April 18 this year), the White House has gotten into the spirit with its online “Federal Tax Receipt” calculator that intends to show you where your tax money is being spent. [More]

Correction: No Free Dunkin' Donuts For Tax Day
CORRECTION: We sadly admit that we made a grievous error yesterday in announcing that Dunkin’ Donuts would be giving away free donuts nationwide on April 15. We were in possession of an old press release that was no longer valid. According to DD’s publicists, the free donut deal is only available in Las Vegas today. This is a huge mistake and we apologize to those who were misled. [More]

Bring Your Own Travel Mug To Starbucks Tomorrow For Free Coffee
Tomorrow isn’t just Tax Day, it’s also Free Coffee If You Bring In Your Own Travel Mug To Starbucks Day. It’s all part of eco-friendly, Big Picture thingy, which has something to do with saving trees. That’s all well and good, but more importantly — FREE COFFEE! [More]