Tax Dad Sez: Send Us Your Questions For Consumerist’s Designated Tax Preparer

Tax Dad and Lap Dog
Seriously old-school Consumerist fans might remember Ask Meghann’s Dad, where readers sent in questions about electrical wiring and home repair, and Mr. Marco was all competent and helpful. During a meeting to think of new story ideas, we remembered this and asked ourselves: what other experts do we have access to who are also related to us? Why, there’s our very own Tax Dad, independent tax preparer John Northrup.
I mean, no offense meant to our beloved winter mascot Tax Cat, but he only has seven years of experience as a certified tax cat, compared to Tax Dad’s 25 years of experience as an IRS-certified Registered Tax Return Preparer.
Tax Dad is a semi-retired accountant who has accounted in the military, in the corporate sector, and for a not-for-profit health care organization. He retired in 1998 and today does tax preparation and freelance bookkeeping. In his spare time (which is most of his time) he enjoys hunting, hiking, voracious reading, nature photography, and trolling Internet comments sections, including Consumerist.
Disclaimer: The nature of free advice is that you often pretty much get what you pay for. Questions answered in the “Ask Tax Dad” column should not serve as a substitute for consulting a tax preparer, accountant, or certified tax cat of your very own. Tax Dad regrets that he cannot offer advice privately over e-mail.
Have a question for Tax Dad about your federal or state tax returns? Send it to us at with “ASK TAX DAD” in the subject line. We’ll run the answers as soon as we can get him to stop Photoshopping pictures of wild turkeys.
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