Metlife Stadium in Rutherford, N.J. is the site of the next Super Bowl. But it’s also akin to the ravaged and dangerous land of Mordor, a place where no one is allowed to sit in lounge chairs or grill sausages. The rules for the game have been set, and there’s no tailgating (orcs are attracted to cooking meat) and you can’t just walk into it. [More]

This Year’s Super Bowl Is Apparently Mordor (You Can’t Just Walk There), Also No Tailgating (Orcs?)

Meet The Tailgater, Dish Network's Portable Receiver
It will now take more than an hulking grill and cooler stocked with booze to turn heads at tailgate parties. A massive HDTV pumping out pregame chatter via Dish Network’s Tailgater portable satellite receiver may be so enticing that it delays passers-by from setting foot inside the stadium. [More]