A 16-year-old took a job at a South Dakota Taco John’s, but didn’t sign on for verbal abuse from his manager. Finally, he says, the worst insult came earlier this week when his manager handed him a nametag with “♡GAYTARD♡” printed on it and forced him to wear it for his whole shift, including in front of customers. [More]
taco john’s

Man Voices Displeasure With Taco John's By Throwing A Live Snake Through Drive-Thru Window
If you have a grudge of some sort against your local fast food establishment, there are probably better methods of expressing yourself than pulling up to the drive-thru window and throwing a live snake at the employee inside. [More]

There Is A Remarkably Surly Employee At Taco John's
Reader Jordan wants us to know that there is a surly individual at his local Taco John’s. He’s complained to the company, but the surliness continues. [More]