
T-Mobile Trying to Kill Customer, For A Mistake Company Made

T-Mobile Trying to Kill Customer, For A Mistake Company Made

Through the frosted glass, in walks this dame into our office, she says:

My Mom On Buying A Cell Phone In The States

My Mom On Buying A Cell Phone In The States

John Brownlee here. I just want to tell you all that I love my Mom. A four foot eleven firecracker who followed her recent stroke up with a healthy regime of climbing up twenty foot ladders to chainsaw branches down from the roof, she’s a hell of a girl.

Nextel Wins as Cellphone Company With Fastest Telephone Customer Service

Nextel Wins as Cellphone Company With Fastest Telephone Customer Service

Here’s the results of our week-long look into how long it takes humans at various cellphone companies to pick up the phone. Sprint was dead last and an old-school Nextel support line, first. Verizon and T-Mobile trailed not far behind.

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 5

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 5

Only two more days to go in this week’s look at how long it takes a human at various mobile phone companies to pick up.

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 4

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 4

Today’s results in our week long trial to see how long it takes mobile phone carrier’s humans to pick up on the customer service line.

Time to Human, Cell Phone Companies Day 3

Time to Human, Cell Phone Companies Day 3

All the mobile phone carriers performed very well today.

How Long to Get a Human?

How Long to Get a Human?

Here’s how long it’s taking to reach a human at various mobile phone carrier customer service lines today.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Human?

How Long Does it Take to Get a Human?

In the wake of purple ribbons, zombies and looking up words in the dictionary, we thought we might want to try something resembling journalism. To that end, we’ve started the Time to Human project.

Man vs. Cell Phone Company: The Epic

Man vs. Cell Phone Company: The Epic

…a David [and] Goliath story…

Razrs Pulled For Connectivity Glitches. No Blood Spilt. Sorry.

Razrs Pulled For Connectivity Glitches. No Blood Spilt. Sorry.

Everyone’s all about the Razr’s “cutting edge” HAR HAR HAR super-thin construction but it looks like they might’ve left something out in the design, as glitches are causing phonecalls to drop.

Samsung T-809 Gets Skanky All Up Inside Its Camera Crack

Samsung T-809 Gets Skanky All Up Inside Its Camera Crack

s mud in your eye: Victor got Samsung T-809 camera phone and loves it, except for the gap underneath the camera that allows dust to easily get into and underneath the LCD screen.

Consumers Speak: 9 Month Wait For Amazon Phone Rebate

We rarely link to the Amazon phone rebates, but we have from time to time, and lots of other sites flog the hell out them. For good reason, apparently. Reader John R. — who in an amazing coincidence has the same first name and middle initial as myself — wrote in to admit his foolishness in buying a rebated phone through Amazon.com. A rebate, it should be mentioned, that doesn’t turn around for 9 months.

T-Mobile Hikes SMS Price, Calls Old Price ‘Discounted’

T-Mobile Hikes SMS Price, Calls Old Price ‘Discounted’

Sam C. writes in with this heads-up for T-Mobile subscribers, especially those that use a lot of SMS:

Here’s a bit of marketing-speak for you.

CSR of the Week: Zachary Byron Helm

CSR of the Week: Zachary Byron Helm

We are delighted to have been contacted by Zachary Byron Helm [pictured], the mohawked warrior of T-Mobile’s customer service, whose picture we posted just last week.

At The Other End of the Line: (Purported) T-Mobile Edition

At The Other End of the Line: (Purported) T-Mobile Edition

We have it on good word that this is a picture from inside a T-Mobile call center. While we want to point out that yes, he frightens us, we have to grudgingly applaud his ability to carve out his own embarrassing style in the midst of a sea of cubicles.

T-Mobile and Cingular Call Records Available for Purchase Online

T-Mobile and Cingular Call Records Available for Purchase Online

Lest you think your cell phone records were private—even if you are a high-profile candidate for the U.S. presidency—AMERICAblog has proved you incorrect by purchasing General Wesley Clark’s cell phone records for $89.95.

The Tag of Suck: Ragerank

The Tag of Suck: Ragerank

David Galbraith, founder of Wists, crony of known Hungarians, and guy who can never complete a phone call, hates T-Mobile. That’s not the story. Out of any random sample of American cell phone users, at least half would hate T-Mobile. Mostly out of an irrational fear that subscribing to a service hawked by Catherine Zeta Jones could somehow cause pictures of Michael Douglas’s bare ass to be beamed through space into their phone, but still.