We’ve written in the past about the dangers of using illegal synthetic marijuana, with hospital officials reporting a spike in hospitalizations related to the drug in recent years. Now, officials in New York City say they suspect a strain called K2 caused 33 overdose in one particular area of Brooklyn where the drug is extremely popular. [More]
synthetic marijuana

Naked Woman Trashed Subway Restaurant, ‘Appeared To Be On Drugs’
We don’t know what a woman spent two hours doing in the bathroom before she went on a rampage and trashed a Subway restaurant in Anchorage, Alaska, but one of her agenda items was “remove clothing.” Police say that she emerged from the restaurant and started to destroy the furniture, tear down ceiling tiles, and cause general mayhem. [More]

Potent New Brand Of Synthetic Marijuana Linked To 120 NYC Hospitalizations In One Week
Lest you think health officials have been overreacting to the dangers of synthetic marijuana, a recent spate of hospitalizations may change your mind: In New York City area, one particular new brand of potent synthetic cannabis has sent 120 people to the hospitals in the last week. [More]

CDC: 221 Sickened By Synthetic Marijuana In Colorado — Where Real Marijuana Is Legal
Did a mysterious forgetfulness sickness descend upon 221 sickened in Colorado by synthetic marijuana, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believes happened? Did part of the population suddenly forget that they live in a state where real marijuana is legal? We don’t know but the CDC is not a fan of the fake stuff, which is illegal in the state. [More]

Missouri Bans K2, Synthetic Marijuana Substance
Big buzzkill heading the way of synthetic marijuana consumers in Missouri, where lawmakers have voted to ban the substance known as K2, a blend of herbs treated with synthetic marijuana. [More]