Almost a year ago, the dreams of many fans of caffeine and carbos came true when Coca-Cola brought back the green soft drink called “Surge,” which had been discontinued in 2003. Coke made the stuff available only on Amazon, and only for a limited time, but maybe they got the hint when the initial batch sold out within a few hours.

Surge Is Back On Retail Store Shelves (In Some States)

Got $250? You Could Be Guzzling Surge On Friday
“I really hope we don’t see [cases] being flipped for $200 on eBay,” I mused in the comments of our post on the resurgence of Coca-Cola’s high-caffeine, carbo-loaded high-caffeine citrus soft drink from the ’90s, Surge. I don’t know what I was thinking. Now that cases of Surge have shipped out, early buyers are ready to flip their cases instead of guzzling them. [More]

Limited Re-Release Of Coca-Cola’s Surge Sells Out Within Hours On Amazon
Do you remember Surge? Caffeine addicts of a certain age will know exactly what we’re referring to, but younger readers may only know the product’s name from online campaigns to bring it back. Now that the product’s biggest fans are young adults with disposable income and credit cards, Coca-Cola has brought the beverage back into production, sold exclusively on Amazon. The first batch sold out within hours. [More]

True Love:
We’re not really in a position to mock people slavishly devoted to unhealthy obsessions with consumer brands. (It took us three Star Wars prequels to finally turn our anger to hatred.) But we have to admit to cocking our middle knuckle up in the traditional nougie-giving position before we realized that soda pop fans at were our people.
And the citrus flavor was just AWESOME… I fell in love. I used every chance I got to buy it. My school had a vending machine that contained SURGE… I ended up spending the majority of my lunch money buying SURGE from that machine. I talked my mom into supporting my SURGE habit by buying two liters of the wonderful citrus soda for me to enjoy once I got home. It was rare that someone saw me without a two liter or can of SURGE grasped snugly in my hand.
Bear in mind, this isn’t regular astroturfing (we think), because Surge doesn’t exist anymore.