
Panopticon Of Fred Meyer Shelves

Panopticon Of Fred Meyer Shelves

Lyzadanger took this high angle, wide angle shot of a Fred Meyer store in Portland, Oregon. Check out the Flickr page for the 2800 x 1853 original. Makes us want to dive in like Scrooge McDuck. — BEN POPKEN

Shoplifting in Supermarkets: People Steal Meat and Analgesics

Shoplifting in Supermarkets: People Steal Meat and Analgesics

The Freakonomics Blog had an interesting piece the other day about shoplifting in supermarkets. Theft of “Health and Beauty” items (usually the most stolen category) is down this year. The category has been surpassed by “meat and analgesics.” When we’re broke we want to eat a steak and get numb, right? That’s the American dream, right there.

Magnifying Glass In The Cat Food Aisle

Magnifying Glass In The Cat Food Aisle

We took this cameraphone picture of an elderly lady in the supermarket, using a magnifying glass to inspect cans of cat food. She looked at three different cans, then walked away without choosing any.

Safeway’s Turkey Is A Dodo

Safeway’s Turkey Is A Dodo

Doug bought a pre-packaged “fresh” meal from Safeway for $37.99, but arrived home to find most of the items expired.

Save 0

 When You Buy 0 At Shaw’s

Save 0 When You Buy 0 At Shaw’s

James spotted this at a Shaw’s in Brighton, MA.

CBS Poops Out CSI Eggvertising

CBS Poops Out CSI Eggvertising

When we first heard about CBS advertising on poultry ovum, we thought, oh, that’s neat, but were, for the most part, nonplussed. The relentless penetration of advertising into every space is a fairly warmed over easy topic.

HOWTO: Grocery Shop on the Cheap

Oftentimes, people will grocery shop hungry, forget the list wadded in their pocket, and grab whatever looks yummy. Once home, they realize they bought 16 rotisserie chickens, a box of Chex Mix and a 6 pack of Rolling Rock.

You’re Driving The Grocery Cashier Insane # 2

Before you lay into the baggage boy for not triple plying your groceries, just remember he’s a human too, with wants, needs, desires, and a love of Sailor Moon.

You’re Driving The Grocery Cashier Insane

In the meantime, here’s whats going on inside his head as he watches you fumble to find your Vons club card.

Helmann’s Spreads It Thin

Helmann’s Spreads It Thin

Provoked by our post on the same, Derrick was enraged that Hellman’s has reduced the size of their mayo jars from 32 to 30 oz, while keeping the same price. He wrote them a letter and here’s how the sandwich Nazis responded:

Where’s The Mayo?

Where’s The Mayo?

“Some things always come in quarts: milk, motor oil, and mayonnaise, for example. You don’t have to look at the net weight statement, because a quart is 32 ounces, and that is what you always get,” writes the MousePrint blog.

Want Cigs With That?

Want Cigs With That?

A King Soopers at at East Ninth Avenue and Corona Street in Denver got a little bad press this week after reports emerged that it was upselling at the checkout line. What was the product cashiers were asking with their groceries? Not Mentos, Soaps Today or batteries, but cancer sticks. That’s right, cigarettes.

What Is Up With Cocoa Krispies?

What Is Up With Cocoa Krispies?


MA Supermarkets Ban Hyper-Savvy Shopper

MA Supermarkets Ban Hyper-Savvy Shopper

One time we bought some kitty litter at a NJ Shop Rite and noticed the price at checkout was higher than on the in-store label. Standard store policy says this means we get it for free. We brought bag up to customer service. They sent a stock boy to check the aisle. He returned and said we were wrong. We went back to the shelves ourselves, grabbed the label, and presented it to the desk. Customer service people sheepishly gave us the litter on the house.

Kroger Just Needs a Warm Body

Desirous of being a productive member of society and needing a way to subsidize his Marlboro Light addiction, Bill got himself hired at Kroger supermarkets. The strenuous application process required he walk up to the customer service desk, express his interet, fill out a form, take an oral drug test and be able to fit into a “cotton-poly blend Kroger polo shirt. “

Krap Kroger Gets It Wrong, Gets It Right

Krap Kroger Gets It Wrong, Gets It Right

Sure, they aren’t glamorous posts. No one diggs them; Xeni Jardin does not deign to cast her appraising eye over them. But we still make a point of posting the good along with the bad. After all, when an executive or CEO sees his company’s name here along with a complaint, we want them to know he’s done fucked up good. But we also want the same guy to have a bit of a glow when his company’s done something right.

Ten Things Your Supermarket Won’t Tell You

Ten Things Your Supermarket Won’t Tell You

A little alarmist, but still fun, Get Rich Slowly has a great summary of the top ten tricks supermarkets like to play on you. Of particular interest are the claims that:

Store-bought Meats Dosed to Look Red

Store-bought Meats Dosed to Look Red

The newer the redder, brown is an elderly hue, which of these steaks looks fresher to you?