
Adobe: "It Would Have Been A Pleasure To Assist You With This Issue. [Unfortunately, We're Totally Incompetent]"

Adobe: "It Would Have Been A Pleasure To Assist You With This Issue. [Unfortunately, We're Totally Incompetent]"

If you produced expensive, frequently pirated software, you’d probably want the process for buying it to be as easy on the customer as possible, right? If you’re Adobe, not so much. Yet another reader writes in to share her frustrations with trying to buy Adobe’s Dreamweaver.

Please Don't Hoard Gas Because It Will Catch Fire And Burn Down Your Apartment

Please Don't Hoard Gas Because It Will Catch Fire And Burn Down Your Apartment

Listen, we know gas costs more than $4 a gallon, and may go even higher, but that doesn’t mean you should start stockpiling gas. Two Dartmouth natives learned this the hard way when the 45-gallons of gas they were hoarding in nine plastic jugs ignited, nearly burning down their eight-unit apartment complex.

Why Would Anyone Bid $55 For A $50 Target Gift Card?!

Why Would Anyone Bid $55 For A $50 Target Gift Card?!

The ever-thoughtful economists over at Freakonomics are stumped by eBay member lpinok, who bid $55.71 for a $50 Target gift card.

Paying Your Verizon Bill With Cash? That'll Be $3.99 Extra

Paying Your Verizon Bill With Cash? That'll Be $3.99 Extra

Employees at the Verizon store in Millington, Tennessee told reader Josh it would cost an extra $3.99 to pay his bill with cash. According to the employees, the charge was to offset the cost of “new money software.”

Bloomingdale's Sends You To A "Collection Agency" Over $5.00

Bloomingdale's Sends You To A "Collection Agency" Over $5.00

Reader Haven accidentally underpaid a Bloomingdale’s credit card bill by $5, and so it was off to the collection agency…

Target To 80-Year-Old: Yeah, We Sold You The Wrong Watch Battery, But We Won't Take It Back

Target To 80-Year-Old: Yeah, We Sold You The Wrong Watch Battery, But We Won't Take It Back

My mother in law, recently went to Target to get a battery installed for her watch. The watch was a common Timex model and the associate told her that she would have to buy the battery first. So she purchased that battery, and the associate attempted to install it in the watch. The battery did not fit the watch, so the associate said “sorry, we don’t have the right battery” and then refused to take the battery back and refund her money. She was told they don’t take back opened battery packages.

XBox Live Thinks One Name is Offensive, Rock Band Says Another Isn't Classy

XBox Live Thinks One Name is Offensive, Rock Band Says Another Isn't Classy

Meet Steph Tytus and Varun Nangia, two more readers whose names were too inappropriate for XBOX live. Varun was forced to change his gamertag, which was his first and last name, and Steph tried to create a band using her name so the world can know that she rocks. Sadly, Rock Band thinks her name isn’t “classy,” and spat our an error message.

Countrywide CEO Accidentally Emails Homeowner, Calls His Plea For Help "Disgusting"

Countrywide CEO Accidentally Emails Homeowner, Calls His Plea For Help "Disgusting"

Apparently Angelo Mozilo, the CEO of Countrywide, has never made a mistake and needed help (from, say, Bank of America,) because he thinks that homeowners who are desperately trying to refinance out of their disastrous home loans and avoid foreclosure are “disgusting” if they look to the internet for help writing letters.

Gateway: Free Shipping! With A $20 Handling Fee!

Gateway: Free Shipping! With A $20 Handling Fee!

Reader Holland asks:

Adobe Blames Missing Shipment On Customer For Using The Online Store

Adobe Blames Missing Shipment On Customer For Using The Online Store

Amy launched an EECB to Adobe, after her $2600 worth of software failed to ship on time. Or at all. No one at Adobe customer service can tell her why it didn’t ship, or if it ever will, but one CSR suggested it was her fault for ordering through the online store rather than through a sales rep. He says no one tracks the orders on the online store, which makes absolutely no sense. What’s the point in having an online store if no one fills the orders? Why the tease, Adobe? Check out her EECB inside.

Man Arrested For Trying To Pass A $360 Billion Check

Man Arrested For Trying To Pass A $360 Billion Check

Meet Charles Ray Fuller, 21, of Crowley, TX. He was arrested on April 22 after allegedly trying to pass a check for $360 billion at a Forth Worth Chase bank.

UnitedHealth Unapproves Surgery From 2 Years Ago, Wants $7700 Back

UnitedHealth Unapproves Surgery From 2 Years Ago, Wants $7700 Back

United Health Care, not content with merely denying life saving cancer procedures or refusing to pay for basic (covered!) checkups, took things to a new level by retroactively un-approving procedures they paid for in 2005. They sent reader Suzanne a letter and a bill for $7700, claiming the pay-out was an “administrative error”, and she needed to pay up. Check out the details, inside.

Soldier Requires Local Media To Get His Money Back From Sprint

Soldier Requires Local Media To Get His Money Back From Sprint

While Jeff Cannizzaro was off fighting in Iraq, he was also fighting Sprint. Jeff suspended his phone while overseas, but left some money in the account. While he was away, Sprint kept deducting small amounts from his balance. His wife kept calling and writing emails, trying everything they could think of to get Sprint to stop deducting the money. Nothing worked.

Target Bungles Wedding Registry, Won't Exchange Duplicate Gifts Without Receipts

Target Bungles Wedding Registry, Won't Exchange Duplicate Gifts Without Receipts

Target doesn’t accept returns without receipts to keep criminals at bay, but Chrissy recently discovered that their policy also extends to wedding registry gifts. Chrissy and her husband ended up with several duplicate gifts when Target failed to keep track of her registry. Chrissy didn’t want a refund or cash, just store credit, but Target refused to consider any proffer until Chrissy provided receipts. One manager even urged Chrissy to call her wedding guests to ask for their receipts, because in Target’s book, that’s not extraordinarily rude or anything.

Skyy Tastelessly Tries To Capitalize On Absolut’s Mexican Gaffe

Skyy Tastelessly Tries To Capitalize On Absolut’s Mexican Gaffe

Skyy vodka issued a crass press release declaring their support for the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in response to an ad from rival Absolut that featured pre-Mexican-American War borders. We had no problem with the ad. We put up a poll. A majority of you had no problem with the ad. Not Skyy, though! They’re drunk with outrage and felt compelled to “[decry] Absolut vodka’s suggestion to redraw North [America’s] map.”

Man Jailed After Forgetting Case Of Soda Underneath Shopping Cart

Man Jailed After Forgetting Case Of Soda Underneath Shopping Cart

UPDATE: This guy is a liar! He stole the Pepsi after he was past the check out, and has now admitted to making the whole story up for reporters.

You Call To Cancel Your Zune Account, Microsoft Deactivates XBOX Live

You Call To Cancel Your Zune Account, Microsoft Deactivates XBOX Live

After he called Microsoft to cancel his Zune account, reader Will noticed that his XBOX Live account was suddenly silver instead of gold.

Microcenter Tries To Sell You A Replacement Plan For Thermal Adhesive

Microcenter Tries To Sell You A Replacement Plan For Thermal Adhesive

Monday I bought 1.75 grams of thermal adhesive at Microcenter for $2.99. At checkout I was asked if I wanted to buy a replacement service plan. I was dumbfounded.