
Hey Fatty, Stop Charging Big Macs To Your Credit Card

Hey Fatty, Stop Charging Big Macs To Your Credit Card

Cash-paying customers spend less on fast food than people who pay with a credit card. Though 80% of fast food purchases are still made with cash, credit and debit card use is on the rise. From Bankrate:

    “But while customers like the convenience of being able to pay for fast food with plastic, their waistlines might not be so forgiving. A number of studies show that consumers are less likely to drive by fast food restaurants if they know the restaurants accept credit cards. In 2002 Visa USA conducted a poll and found that 32 percent of customers admitted that they had limited their drive-through orders because they did not have enough cash to pay for what they wanted. The ability to use credit cards eliminates that obstacle.

Organic Fruit Healthier Than Standard Produce

Organic Fruit Healthier Than Standard Produce

A ten-year study found that organic tomatoes contain twice as many antioxidants as conventionally grown tomatoes. The study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry claims that when compared to standard produce, organic strains contain higher levels of two high blood pressure-fighting flavonoids.

These findings also confirm recent European research, which showed that organic tomatoes, peaches and processed apples all have higher nutritional quality than non-organic

Vegetables Were Healthier Fifty Years Ago

Vegetables Were Healthier Fifty Years Ago

The heirloom tomatoes in your garden may not just be tastier than commercially grown vegetables, but healthier too, according to a study from the American College of Nutrition. The study looked for 13 nutrients in 43 crops grown from 1950 to 1999 and discovered that the vegetables enjoyed by our grandparents were significantly more nutritious than the veggies found on supermarket shelves today.

After rigorous statistical analysis, the researchers found that, on average, all three minerals evaluated have declined; two of five vitamins have declined; and protein content has dropped by 6 percent.

Are You Willing To Pay More For Privacy?

Are You Willing To Pay More For Privacy?


US Poor Punished For Saving Money

US Poor Punished For Saving Money

As if the American poor don’t suffer enough, now it turns out trying to get a leg up may only backfire. Yesterday, the National Center For Policy Analysis warned of catastrophic financial problems for poor people who save money. The Los Angeles Times story on the study explained that “each $1 saved by a single mother earning $15,000 a year would cost her $2.60 in higher taxes and lost government benefits.”

Are Car Seats Made Of Toxic Chemicals?

Are Car Seats Made Of Toxic Chemicals?

Bromine, chlorine, and lead may be just a few of the chemicals in your child’s car seat, according to a recent study from the Ecology Center. The study tested 62 car seats sold at Babies “R” Us and Target, and found that over 30% contained significant levels of toxic chemicals that could adversely affect a child’s development; 60% contained brominated flame retardant, which can cause thyroid problems and memory impairment.

Enviga Study In Obesity Bought And Paid For

Enviga Study In Obesity Bought And Paid For

Coke-Nestle paid for their own study on Enviga’s benefits to appear in the February issue of Obesity, as the codicil above, spotted by reader Karl, reveals.

Full Copy Of Coke's "Fat-Burning" Enviga Study

Full Copy Of Coke's "Fat-Burning" Enviga Study

We’ve got a a copy of the study Coke based its controversial fat-burning claims for Enviga, the quaintly titled, “Effect of a Thermogenic Beverage on 24-Hour Energy Metabolism in Humans.” The study, published in the February issue of Obesity, says it,

Jet Lag Kills?

Jet Lag Kills?

There’s a new study that subjected elderly mice to the equivalent of frequent jet lag, and just 47% of older mice whose clocks went forward 6 hours each week survived.

Binge Shopping: Men And Women Equally Lack Self-Control

Men, cease your superiority, your smug commentary on why women need to buy so many pairs of shoes to get in the kitchen and make you dinner. As a sex, they may very well be inscrutable, but it turns out that we’re all shopaholics on the first x chromosome.

Study Reveals Poison Pill Among Hospital Prescriptions

Study Reveals Poison Pill Among Hospital Prescriptions

A new study analyzing hospital prescriptions shows startling and potentially deadly trends.

Guess There’s No ‘Five-Second Rule’ In Shopping

Guess There’s No ‘Five-Second Rule’ In Shopping

Shoppers are less likely to buy clothing if they think it has been touched by others, accordinig to a recent study at the University of Alberta.

Atkins Diet Leads to Head Exploding?

Atkins Diet Leads to Head Exploding?

No, it doesn’t. But now that the lo-carb craze is over (again), our cholesterol-drenched hearts heaved a few millimeters higher to hear the results of the latest report decrying the Atkins Diet fad.

Returned Products Aren’t Broken, Just Too Hard to Use

Returned Products Aren’t Broken, Just Too Hard to Use

Complexity causes 50% of product returns, a new report finds.