The website for recalled-for-finger-amputation stroller-maker Maclaren is down today. When you recall 1 million of anything, especially because of reports of chopping off fingers, it’s best to make sure you’ve got adequate server capacity.

1 Million Maclaren Strollers Recalled After 12 Finger Amputations
Following 12 reports of accidental finger amputation, stroller company Maclaren is recalling 1 million strollers. Every single Maclaren stroller sold since 1999 is included in the recall.
Recall Roundup – Strollers, Hair Dryers, And Zombie Coffee Grinders
Hazardous hair dryers, unstoppable strollers, zombie coffee grinders, and breakable cribs are this week’s stars of the Recall Roundup. Watch out!

Neiman Marcus Sells Used Bugaboo Stroller As New
When Steven paid Neiman Marcus $682 for a Bugaboo stroller, he expected to receive a new model, not a used stroller with worn wheels and axles coated with hair.