streaming video

Walmart Closing Down Vudu's Porn Channel

Walmart Closing Down Vudu's Porn Channel

To no one’s great surprise, Vudu has announced that now that it belongs to Walmart it will be shutting down the adult section. No more streaming HD porn from Vudu, everybody. Their announcement after the jump. [More]

Walmarts Gets Into Streaming Video With Possible Vudu Acquisition

Walmarts Gets Into Streaming Video With Possible Vudu Acquisition

While Walmart sells everything from gasoline to groceries, and they have a pretty sizable online presence, they haven’t gotten into the lucrative business of on-demand/streaming video. But that could all change with news that the box store leviathan is about to purchase streaming video service Vudu. [More]

Microsoft May Start Streaming ESPN On Xbox 360

Microsoft May Start Streaming ESPN On Xbox 360

Microsoft is in talks to stream ESPN programming through the Xbox 360, the New York Times reports. [More]

Streaming Cable Content: For Comcast Subscribers Only

Streaming Cable Content: For Comcast Subscribers Only

Yesterday’s news that Hulu soon plans to start charging for its service actually came fresh on the heels of Comcast’s announcement that it’s about to officially launch online streaming video for subscribers to both their cable TV and Internet services.

Hulu Will Start Charging For Content Soon

Hulu Will Start Charging For Content Soon

As board member Jon Miller forecasted a few months ago, streaming video powerhouse Hulu plans to start charging for content soon. Subscription-based? Pay per use? Nobody knows. What we do know is that the Consumerist community wasn’t fond of the idea back in June. [Entertainment Weekly]

Cable Providers Stream Shows Online, Require Subscriber Authentication

Cable Providers Stream Shows Online, Require Subscriber Authentication

How are cable providers reacting to the threat posed by online streaming of shows? Forget bandwidth caps for now—how about online access to cable programs, limited to cable subscribers?