Tesla already makes cars, solar panels and roofs, and CEO Elon Musk also dabbles in space travel, so maybe it’s not that big of a stretch that he’s also looking to create a new streaming music service. [More]
streaming music

Spotify Now Testing “Sponsored” Songs For Its Free Tier
As the way we get our entertainment changes, advertisers continue to find ways to target the audiences who are tuned in. Spotify, for example, is apparently not content with playing the occasional ad between songs on its free tier. The streaming service is now testing “sponsored” songs that labels pay to run on the platform. [More]

Spotify Premium Users Will Get Some Albums Two Weeks Before Everyone Else
Everyone has that friend who’s always asking, “Have you heard the new [insert requisite cool band here] yet?” In a move that will please the music snobs among us, Spotify will offer Premium users early access to some albums. [More]

Streaming Music Revenue Surpasses Other Formats For The First Time Ever
Digital music has come a long way: Once feared as the poison arrow that would take down the recording industry, streaming music is now making more money for recording companies than any other format. [More]

SoundCloud Now Offering Streaming Music Subscription At Half The Price Of Spotify
Almost a year after SoundCloud launched its streaming music subscription service — dubbed SoundCloud Go — the company has a new offering that’s half the price of its rivals Spotify and Apple. [More]

New York Times All Access Subscriptions Now Come With Spotify
With so many sites offering news for free, news sources that charge for access are having to get clever about how to convince people to pay for news. To that end, the New York Times is now hoping that it can get people to subscribe to its $5/week All Access service by throwing Spotify Premium into the mix. [More]

Spotify Is Reportedly Looking Into Buying SoundCloud
It looks like Spotify could be preparing to shore up its streaming music service amid competition in the digital field: according to a new report, Spotify is in advanced talks to buy SoundCloud. [More]

Amazon Working On Discount Music Subscription Service For Echo Users
Amazon already offers Prime Music as part of its Amazon Prime subscription package, but now it looks like the online retailer is looking to offer this music streaming independent from Prime while also giving a discount to users of the company’s Echo web-connected speaker. [More]

Samsung Shutting Down “Milk” Streaming Music Service
Just two years after launching its own streaming music service, Samsung will shutter Milk Music next month. [More]

Amazon Echo Users Can Now Set Spotify, Pandora As Their Default Music Service
Until now, if you wanted to tell Alexa to play a certain song using a music service other than Prime Music, you’d have to say something like, “Alexa, play ‘Hotline Bling’ by Drake on Spotify.” Those days are gone, as Amazon Echo users can now set their default music services to either Spotify or Pandora. [More]

Rhapsody Decides It’s A Great Idea To Rename Itself Napster
There’s a new player in the streaming music scene, and it’s name is Napster. No, you have not been suddenly transported to your college dorm room, where you spent hours upon hours gleefully downloading mp3 after mp3: though it’s not exactly a new venture, streaming music service Rhapsody has decided to rebrand itself Napster, a service it owns, because why not? [More]

Warner Music Is Now Making More Money From Streaming Than Any Other Source
Streaming music, that once-reviled technology that had big record companies shaking in their boots, is turning into quite the industry darling. Warner Music Group has certainly changed its tune, announcing today that streaming music is now bringing in more revenue for the company than any other single source of recorded music. [More]

More Than 500,000 People Have Already Illegally Downloaded Kanye West’s Tidal-Only Album
Kanye West’s latest album, The Life of Pablo, was originally supposed to be a short-time exclusive on the $20/month streaming service Tidal, but then the fickle artist announced over the weekend that it would remain a Tidal exclusive, with the implication that anyone who wants to hear it needs to ante up for the monthly subscription… or illegally download it like more than half a million people have already done. [More]

Report: Amazon Planning A Subscription Streaming Music Service To Rival Spotify
The popularity of streaming music services like Spotify has others in the business scrambling to hit upon just the right formula for success. Amazon, for one, is reportedly working on a Spotify-killer that is entirely separate from Prime Music. [More]

Spotify Introducing Streaming Videos On Its Mobile Apps
You may be familiar with Spotify, a streaming music service that offers commercial-free listening for a monthly subscription price, as well as a free version that comes with ads. The streaming platform is now branching out with the debut of music content on its mobile apps this week. [More]

Pandora Mulling The Idea Of An Offline Listening Feature
It’s tough out there for a streaming music service like Pandora, with competition from Spotify and Apple Music constantly putting on the pressure to get more subscribers. But there’s one thing Pandora’s rivals have that it doesn’t — an option for subscribers to listen to music offline. That may change in the future. [More]

Virgin Mobile Offering Free Streaming Music That Won’t Count Against Customers’ Data Plans
Virgin Mobile USA is taking a page out of T-Mobile’s book, and handing out free, unlimited streaming music from various partner services — that won’t count against customers’ monthly data allotments. [More]