After filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy twice in two years, closing thousands of its corporate-owned stores, and auctioning off its corporate treasures, RadioShack is improbably still around. A new plan for getting out of bankruptcy filed with the court spells out the company’s plans, which involve online sales, franchising its brand, and somewhere between a few dozen and no corporate-owned stores. [More]

RadioShack Creditors Sue Sprint, Accuse It Of Destroying 6,000 Jobs
Just over two years ago, venerable but bankrupt electronics chain RadioShack cut a deal with mobile carrier Sprint to save thousands of jobs and keep 1,740 stores that were formerly part of RadioShack open. Only the unsecured creditors in RadioShack’s second bankruptcy now accuse its pal Sprint of using information from the contract to open hundreds of stores near the strongest RadioShack locations, dooming the reborn RadioShack.. [More]

RadioShack’s New CEO Quits After Less Than 1 Year
At this time last year, we were on RadioShack Bankruptcy Watch, waiting for the venerable electronics retailer to file for Chapter 11 protection. Would it mean the end of RadioShack stores nationwide, or would the brand survive? One of the company’s major creditors purchased around half of the chain’s stores, creating a new company that would buy the RadioShack name in the bankruptcy auction, and the new RadioShack hired a former Dell executive as CEO in April. Now CEO Ron Garriques is taking off. [More]

RadioShack Starts Black Friday On Wednesday Because Why Not
Let’s get this out of the way: RadioShack still exists. While the chain declared bankruptcy and sold or liquidated all of its stores, they sold the brand along with about half of their leases to lender Standard General. That leaves about 1,700 SprintShack-owned stores with their doors still open and stocked with gadgets to sell, some of which may not even be Sprint mobile phones. [More]

RadioShack Seeks Relevance Through Wu-Tang Clan Affiliation, YouTube Dance Party
RadioShack is in the middle of a bold retail experiment: is it possible to acquire a venerable brand with a deteriorated reputation through bankruptcy and rehabilitate it into a place where people actually want to shop? The Shack’s new owners are harnessing the power of song and dance to try this…well, and also portable speakers. And rap. [More]

SprintShack Stores Will Be Fully Staffed And Stocked In June
The deal that Sprint made with the new owners of RadioShack means that the mobile carrier gets to effectively double the number of retail stores that it runs. That’s great for Sprint, but means that they need to hire people or move existing employees to the new stores. Don’t worry: Sprint will be ready and even have their signage out front by July. [More]

Here’s What Co-Branded Sprint-RadioShack Stores Will Probably Look Like
Yesterday, the sale of 1,740 remaining RadioShack stores to hedge fund Standard General was approved by a bankruptcy court. We’ve known since before the bankruptcy filing that their plan is to team up with Sprint to re-open stores that will be part phone store, part RadioShack merchandise. What would that look like? Sprint has already showed us. Well, they showed the federal bankruptcy court in Delaware, which makes them public documents. [More]