Eight months after a government report found that airplanes with WiFi connections may be vulnerable to cyber attacks and seven months after a hacker claimed to have commandeered a United Airlines flight via the plane’s in-flight entertainment system, one lawmaker wants to know just what airlines are doing to protect their computer systems — and passengers. [More]
spirit airlines

Officials: Spirit Airlines Flight Returned To Airport After Takeoff Due To Bomb Threat Onboard
UPDATE: The Broward County Sheriff’s Office is now calling the incident a misunderstanding by a passenger who overheard a phone conversation. [More]

Lawmaker Urges Airlines To Drop Holiday Baggage Surcharges
With two airlines set to show their bah humbug by increasing baggage fees just in time for the holidays, one lawmaker is asking them to rethink that plan, you know, in the spirit of the season and all. [More]

Airlines Once Again Introducing Baggage Surcharges For Holiday Travelers
Last year, Spirit Airlines showed passengers that it didn’t quite get the concept that holidays – especially those that fall in late December and early January – are meant to spread cheer and goodwill toward fellow humans, by increasing baggage fees for merry travelers. This year, the budget airline is once again utilizing those surcharges, and this time, it has company in Frontier Airlines. [More]

Spirit The Latest Airline To Suffer Delays, Cancellations Because Of Computer Glitch
Customers flying Spirit Airlines to or from O’Hare International Airport in Chicago faced a few hiccups today, as the company reportedly suffered a computer glitch, which has since been fixed. [More]

All Major U.S. Airlines Offer Free Cancellations Within 24 Hours, Except One
Update: In March 2016, American announced that it was phasing out the hold option and transitioning to the 24-hour cancellation window option.
Even the most prepared traveler occasionally has to change their itinerary for unforeseen circumstances. While dealing with airlines to make a simple change can be both a test of your patience and a drain on your bank account, if you catch the issue soon enough you might save hundreds of dollars in change fees. That’s thanks, in part, to Department of Transportation rules that allow a ticket to be held at the same price for 24 hours before purchase or canceled within 24 hours after purchase — most of the time. [More]

Spirit Confirms Delays & Cancellations Are Due To Weather, Not Strike
Earlier today we heard from several Spirit Airlines passengers who had been stranded at airports, sometimes for several days this week, for what they thought was an unofficial pilot strike. After hearing back from Spirit, the company has confirmed there is no strike. [More]

Spirit Flight Attendant Probably Shouldn’t Have Posed For Photos In Jet’s Engine Well
When going through the boarding process for an upcoming flight, one might expect to see the crew members readying the cabin, welcoming travelers or just generally inside the aircraft. That’s why it was a bit unsettling for several passengers to see a flight attendant posing for photos inside the plane’s engine well before a recent Spirit Airlines flight. [More]

Michigan High School Baseball Team Stranded In Florida After Spirit Cancels Flight
Just two days ago the American Customer Satisfaction Index revealed that Spirit Airlines was the worst when it comes to, well, customer satisfaction, and it seems the airline is wasting no time in confirming that it earned its low scores. Just ask the Michigan high school baseball team that had to fork over thousands of dollars for a chartered bus after being told they would have to wait an extra week to rebook their canceled Spirit flight. [More]

Spirit Airlines Brings Up Rear In Latest Airline Customer-Satisfaction Scores
Time Warner Cable and merger-partner Comcast have very little company among the lowest-scoring companies on the American Customer Satisfaction Index, but now that ACSI has added Spirit and Frontier to its airline rankings, TWC can no longer claim the honor of having the lowest survey score of all U.S. companies in the Index. [More]

Woman Suing Spirit Airlines Over Husband’s Death Claims Flight Attendants Weren’t Trained Properly
A woman whose husband died after having a medical crisis onboard a Spirit Airlines flight has filed a lawsuit against the airline and two of its flight attendants, claiming the airline was negligent in its training of staff. [More]

Bah Humbug: Spirit Airlines Ups Baggage Fee $2 During Holiday Travel Season
Holidays, especially those that fall in late December and early January, are meant to spread cheer and goodwill toward fellow humans. Apparently the folks over at Spirit Airlines don’t quite get that concept because they’ve decided to up the baggage fees for holiday travelers. [More]

Spirit Airlines Thinks Blinding Yellow Is The Perfect Color For New Planes
While most of us eye our closets deciding which pieces will transition best into the new fall-like weather falling over the nation, Spirit Airlines appears to have been a few steps ahead of us. [More]

Spirit Airlines Promotion Tries To Cash In On Nude Photo Hack Story
While some people may be feeling sympathy for the celebrities whose naked photos were hacked over the weekend, one company appears to be turning it into a cringe-worthy marketing campaign. [More]

What Happens To Your Plane Ticket When There’s A Death In The Family?
There are all kinds of reasons why you might not be able to fly when you were planning to, or need to make a change in a scheduled itinerary. Unfortunately, one of those might be the death of a loved one. But now that most domestic airlines don’t offer special bereavement fares, many fliers find themselves dealing with airlines after they’ve already bought tickets to try to make changes. But because airlines don’t want just anyone to pull the “my grandma died,” often customers are finding the process of changing or canceling flights in these situations daunting, confusing, and well, a bit tacky. [More]

Spirit Airlines Wants To “Hug The Haters,” Do Better Job Of Explaining Fees
After years of being far and away the airline with the highest level of passenger complaints, Spirit now says it wants to begin the healing by offering to “hug the haters.” Of course, what this really means is the company just thinks it can do a better job of explaining why it charges a fee for just about everything under the sun. [More]