Now that summer is over, many of us have fond memories of a few months splashing around in the pool with family and friends. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on the potential for danger, as a new federal report claims that at least 163 children drowned while swimming in pools or spas in just the last few months. [More]

Sweat Off The Pounds With The Snuggie Sauna
A New York spa is offering clients a Snuggie sweat lodge that allegedly burns 600 calories in fifteen minutes. We’re going to be sick.

Small Claims Court Winners Having Trouble Collecting Money From Elusive "Spa Man"
“People think when they come to court that they are going to get instant relief,” said Judge Rebecca Dallet of the Milwaukee County Circuit Court. “We can give what the law allows, but we have no way of getting the money for them. I don’t think people realize that.”

Saratoga Springs Mineral Baths Diluted With Tap Water For Last 20 Years
Saratoga Springs State Park, a longtime destination for people looking for a soak in the naturally-carbonated mineral waters that gave the town its name, has been secretly mixing regular municipal tap water into the baths. For twenty years.

Beer Spas: Yeast of Eden
Whilst in Hungary recently, I had the opportunity to leisurely soak in the human bacteria frappes that make up Budapest’s thermal spas. What did I learn about the spa experience? Mostly that Hungary’s anthropomorphic walruses have no shame of their own repulsive nudity. They frown upon rambunctious Americans disrupting the sanctity of the spa experience with Hoo-Hah!ing cannonballs. Although it isn’t posted anywhere, Tuesday is gay day. Finally, if you open your mouth underneath the water (say, doing a handstand), you will catch Ebola.