Amazon is no stranger to selling in multiple languages, with sites in more than a dozen countries, but until now the U.S. version Amazon has never included an option to make it more accessible to Spanish-speaking users. [More]

CFPB Releases Educational Guides To Help Non-English Speakers Avoid Scams, Understand Financial Issues
Understanding the world of finance can be difficult for just about anyone in this country, but especially so when the rules of the industry are written in a language that you might not be proficient in. For these consumers, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has created a new set of guides aimed at helping them avoid financial devastation. [More]

Whole Foods Says Employees Were Not Suspended For Speaking Spanish At Work
Whole Foods is quickly working to smooth over a recent controversy over its policy on speaking languages other than English on the job. Two employees at New Mexico store claimed their pay was docked for speaking to each other in Spanish while on breaks, but Whole Foods says they were reprimanded for rude behavior, not for Spanish. [More]

Home Depot In Need Of Spanish Translator, Proofreader
Mike found this sign in the carpet section of a New Jersey Home Depot. The portion below the boldface type under the second bullet point highlights the fact that the sign could have used one last look before the person in charge of sign proofing gave it the thumbs-up. [More]

Kmart Warns Spanish Speakers Not To Open Stuff Before They Buy
Kmart scientists have discovered that everyone who opens products and leaves them on shelves can read Spanish, so a Maryland store has cleverly posted this sign to warn stuff-openers to ceasendesisto. Silly Patrick, who spotted the appropriate and in-no-way-insensitive signage, takes issue with its posting: [More]

Domino's Has A Deal For You, As Long As You Speak English
Roxie found this coupon attached to her pizza box. The large-print English offer includes two three-topping pizzas, while the smaller, italicized Spanish translation is for a pair of two-topping pizzas. [More]

If You Visit Venezuela, Please Bring Us Back A Penisphone
That rascal Hugo Chavez! First he uses a photo op with President Obama to hawk his new a book, and now he’s on Venezuelan TV urging his citizens to buy a new Vergatario cellphone. For those not up on Spanish slang, that’s equivalent to buying a Dickarama here in the states.

Why Is Comcast Charging Spanish-Speaking Customers The Same Price For Slower Service?
UPDATE: We’re bad at Spanish. See below. We came across a Twitter user who, while browsing Comcast’s internet prices, discovered that the Spanish-language version of the site offers reduced speeds at the same prices as the higher speeds seen on the English version of the site. What the hell?

Supermarket Chain Adds 10% At Register, But Only In Some Stores
The Nash Finch stores Avanza, Food Bonanza and Wholesale Food Outlets add the 10 percent charge to food at the register and specialize in serving Hispanics, according to store workers.
UPDATE: Calls From a Stranger
Reader Ben reports that 1) he received another strange Spanish phone spam scam call, this time from 401-200-9876 and 2) he still doesn’t speak Spanish.

UPDATE: A Big Break in ‘Calls From a Stranger’ Story
More answers and more questions about our mysterious phone spammer.

954-678-8026 Voice Spam Translated
Hundreds of people across America have received a strange message in Spanish on their cellphone from one number. We hunted down who the number belonged to, got a copy of the message uploaded and now have a translation.

954-678-8026 Voice Spam Uploaded
For your listening pleasure, we have the message that an auto-dialer has been leaving on hundreds of people’s cellphones the past month. All the calls came from 954-678-8026

We Know His Name. Calls From a Stranger: UPDATE
We have a name. George Martinez. Found by shelling out the twenty bux at We are lazy P.I’s. Unfortunately, no address… yet. We caution, however, the information may not be current and there are a ton of George Martinez’s in Ft. Lauderdale, including the Office Director of the U.S. Commercial Service in Florida.

UPDATE: Calls From a Stranger, 954-678-8026
So this number is auto-dialing people across the nation and leaving marketing messages in Spanish and we’ve decided to try and track them down.

UPDATE: Calls From a Stranger, 954-678-8026
We’ve been having a devil of a time tracking down this phone-spammer. None of the reverse phone-lookup services gave us more information than that the number used to be with “Global Crossing Local” and is now with the MetroPCS cellphone company. The number is listed as being in Fort Lauderale, FL, sleazy marketing capital of the world.