A recent report out of Canada claimed that testing of Subway’s chicken revealed that the meat was only 50% chicken with the rest made from soy. Now the sandwich chain is countering that report with science of its own, saying that two independent tests confirm that Subway’s chicken is… well, chicken. [More]

Makers Of Similac Advance Baby Formula Releasing GMO-Free Version
As many consumers move along with the trend toward products made without additives, preservatives, or genetically modified organisms, the maker of Similac Advance says it’ll be selling a GMO-free version of the product by the end of the month. [More]

Science Renders Chickens Obsolete With Special Soy
University of Missouri scientists have invented a soy substitute with chicken, which supposedly matches chicken’s texture, moisture content, appearance and taste, Jeannine Stein blogs for the Los Angeles Times. [More]