There aren’t even a million people living in South Dakota, but the state’s efforts to collect sales tax from online retailers could eventually have an impact on the hundreds of millions of Americans in other states who shop online. [More]
south dakota

Coca-Cola: Dead Mouse Was Too Fresh To Be Found In A Coke Can
A South Dakota man claims he purchased — and drank from — a can of Coca-Cola that had a mouse sealed inside, making him ill and causing him to miss work. But the Coke folks say this just isn’t possible, since a mouse sealed in a soft drink can would have been more decomposed. [More]

States Hungry For Online Sales Tax Looking At Challenge To South Dakota Law
Amazon now collects sales tax in more than half the states, but that still leaves a substantial portion of the country not paying taxes on their purchases. Even in states where Amazon is collecting taxes, some other online retailers say they don’t have to collect taxes because they have no physical presence in the state. A new South Dakota law is a direct attack on these companies, and if it stands up to legal scrutiny it could have nationwide implications. [More]

South Dakota Ghost Town Is Still On The Market, Could Be Yours For A Mere $250,000
If you’re in the market for a new home, you could surely find something for $250,000 — heck, why settle for looking for a house when you could just buy an entire ghost town? An abandoned South Dakota town that was on the market for $400,000 back in 2014 is still up for grabs, and now at a bargain price. [More]

You Can Buy An Entire Town In South Dakota For The Bargain Price Of $400K
Check your pockets and dig into the couch cushions — if you can rustle up some spare change to the tune of $400,000, you could be the owner of your very own town in South Dakota. The man who owns Swett, S.D. — and its bar, single house, workshop, three trailers and 6.16 acres of land — is looking to sell. [More]

Forget Everything You’ve Heard, The Best Place To Retire Doesn’t Include Sandy Beaches
Somedays when sitting in a crowded cubicle with phones incessantly ringing it’s inevitable that your daydreams will turn to retirement. Those thoughts might entail lounging by the beach in Florida or hitting a few balls on the lush greens in Arizona, but a new report found the best places to retire aren’t in either of those popular snowbird states. [More]

Payday Lenders Can’t Use Tribal Affiliation To Garnish Wages Without Court Order
For years, a handful of sketchy payday lenders have been using purported affiliations with tribal lands to try to skirt federal and state laws. But courts and regulators have recently been cracking down on these operations, saying that a tribal connection does not shield a business from prosecution. One operation facing charges from the Federal Trade Commission has now agreed to pay nearly $1 million in penalties over charges that it illegally garnished borrowers’ wages and wrongfully sued them in tribal courts. [More]

FTC Gets Some PayDay Lenders To Halt Garnishing Wages Without Court Order
A group of nine South Dakota-based payday lenders — doing business under at least 17 different names, but all sharing a common senior executive — has agreed to stop garnishing wages from customers with delinquent accounts, at least until there is some sort of conclusion to the Federal Trade Commission lawsuit against them. [More]

South Dakota Town Puts Itself Up For Sale For $800K
If you’ve ever dreamed of being some sort of Wild West land baron, or maybe you and your friends want to act out the unmade final season of Deadwood, there is a town in South Dakota that can be all yours for the price of $799,000. [More]

Police Raid Spencer Gifts, Confiscate 'Sex-Related' Products
We hadn’t been in a Spencer Gifts (aka Spencer’s) since Color Me Badd was lighting up the charts, but our memories of the mall-based stores are of goofy bachelor party gag gifts and posters of bikini-clad women. The authorities in Rapid City, SD, believe the store is an unlicensed “adult-oriented business” and on Monday the police seized boxes containing around 2,000 “sex-related” products. [More]
Welcome to Faulkton, South Dakota, Pop. 800, Home of The 2nd Highest Risk For ID Theft In The US
Where you live has a lot to do with your level of risk for ID theft. According to Computerworld:
Faulkton S.D. has a population of 800 and virtually no crime to speak of. Yet the citizens of this rural town are second only to the people in Floral Park, N.Y. when it comes to being at risk for having their identities stolen.
When examined at a 3 zipcode level, the results become a little less freakish and patterns emerge.