
Would You Like To See The Coffee List, Sir?

Would You Like To See The Coffee List, Sir?

Coca-Cola and Sara Lee are developing tools to pair beverages with food in the hopes that soda, beer, and coffee may be the new wine.

The tool helps sales people figure out for restaurateurs that cheesecake, with its high fat content, calls for a dark roast, heavy bodied coffee with a high acidity level, she said. A fudge brownie, however, calls for a lower acidity level. And pound cake goes down better with a light roast coffee with high acidity.

Sara Lee’s pairing tool was unveiled two weeks ago, and Coca-Cola expects to implement a similar program next year. Ron DeSantis of the Culinary Institute of America thinks such tools will become prevalent as “U.S. palates become more sophisticated.” We never realized ordering water at a restaurant was the mark of an unsophisticated boor. Pairing tools will undoubtedly present restauranteurs with an opportunity to upsell certain beverages. Would you trust their recommendations? Tell us in the comments. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Coca-Cola Settles Benzene Lawsuit

Coca-Cola Settles Benzene Lawsuit

Benzene can form in soft drinks containing vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, and either sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate. Scientists say factors such as heat or light exposure can trigger a reaction that forms benzene in the beverages.

Credit Card Vending Machines?

Credit Card Vending Machines?

The early answer: yes.

Oh, joy. Someone tell the Stop&Shop credit swipe thieves they have a whole new venue to exploit. —MEGHANN MARCO

Pepsi Snitches on Coca-Cola Trade Secrets Thief

Pepsi Snitches on Coca-Cola Trade Secrets Thief

The wonderful world of industrial soft-drink espionage. Three employees of Coca-Cola Inc. are under arrest for attempting to sell trade secrets (and a sample of a new drink — what can they add cherry and vanilla to this time?) to rival Pepsi.

Coke Sued to Stop Using Leaded Labels

Coke? Will that be unleaded or regular? California prefers the former and sued Coca-Cola yesterday, asking it to pretty please with a dead baby on top, to stop using lead-based paint on their labels. Reports the LA Times:

How Much Does That Sweet Tooth Cost?

How Much Does That Sweet Tooth Cost?

You may be one of those strange people who slow down for traffic accidents, not out of courtesy, but so you can gaze at the twisted limbs longer. If so, you may enjoy this collection of fun nutritional data sheets about products from the Coca-Cola corporation, including, but not limited to, Coke.

The Benzene Scare In Perspective

The sexiest gastronomists on the web over at Accidental Hedonist have an excellent post up putting the entire benzene in soda scare in perspective.

First Benzene Soda Lawsuits

First Benzene Soda Lawsuits

The Benzene scandal is starting to escalate, as Massachusetts and Florida consumers press class-action lawsuits against soda companies.

Benzene In Soda Is Cancerous

Benzene In Soda Is Cancerous

Watch out, that next can of carbonated fizzy water you guzzle could turn your esophagus into a tumorous pipe oozing with cancer and bile. The carcinogen in question is Benzene and according to Beverage Daily, benzene levels in most soft drinks are up to five times the World Heath Organization’s limit for drinking water.

The Zero Movement: Coke’s Pepsi Blue

The Zero Movement: Coke’s Pepsi Blue

We’d reach down deep within our mucous-engorged rage cavity to slop some bile at the Coca-Cola Company for their stupendously midguided attempt to promote new ‘Coke Zero’ through The Zero Movement, but we’re still careening around our porcelain work tub like so much congealed ham from manifest force of psychic disconnect upon the realization that there was a company out there still attempting to appear cool by using a blog.