All our hopes and dreams of expressing ourselves with more than 140-character snippets on Twitter have been dashed: the social media company has decided not to give the message limit the boot. [More]
so long 140-characters?

Twitter May Finally Be Getting Rid Of 140-Character Limit On Tweets
By Ashlee Kieler 1.5.16
Even if you’re not a Twitter user, you’re likely familiar with the restriction that limits the expression of every thought, comment, and desire to a mere 140 characters. But once again Twitter is mulling over the idea of making Tweets a lot longer — though your actual feed wouldn’t look much different.

Report: Twitter Considering Allowing Tweets Longer Than 140 Characters
By Ashlee Kieler 9.29.15
Since it launched in 2006, Twitter has been known for allowing users to express their every desire and thought using just 140 characters. That’s could be about to change, as the social media company is reportedly working on a new product that exceeds the current word limit. [More]