A few years ago, consumers around the world were horrified to learn that seafood they ate was the product of forced labor in Asia. They responded in the American way, by filing class actions against the retailers they believed had misled them. Now a prominent lawsuit against warehouse club Costco over its shrimp has been dismissed. [More]

The Sucks Site Review: MitsubishiSucks.com
MitsubishiSucks.com is an odd duck in the Suck Site menagerie. While the genesis of most Suck Sites is a bad product or interaction with a company, MitsuSuko (our new abbreviation) seems to hate Mitsubishi primarily for their actions in World War II.
In Korea, Japanese firms used about 5 million Koreans as slave laborers, Oh Heun Kwon of Los Angeles was a slave labor at a Mitsubishi shipbuilding plant in Japan in 1944 of whom about 250,000 were taken to Japan, said a lawyer for plaintiffs seeking compensation from firms like Nippon Steel U.S.A. Inc. and Mitsubishi Corp. 500,000 Filipinos served as slave laborers, according to him.
Oh come on. If we refused to shop at every company that enslaved a few hundred thousand Filipinos we’d never be able to wear any shoes, let alone shop for cars or electronics.