Consumers looking to use Microsoft’s Xbox Live, Outlook, and other services are likely having a difficult time this afternoon, as the company is currently suffering an outage. [More]

Several Microsoft Services — Including Xbox Live, Outlook — Suffering Outages

Skype Expands Live Translation To Calls To Landlines, Mobile Phones
Microsoft’s Skype voice and video chat service offers a feature that could be very useful: real-time audio translation of your calls. Until now, it’s only been an option for calls to other Skype users, but now the service will be available to Skype users when they call out from the service to landlines and mobile phones. [More]

You No Longer Need A Skype Account To Use Skype
Want to call someone on Skype but don’t feel like downloading it or even signing up for a new account? Neither action is necessary now that Skype has opened up chats, voice, and video calls to guests. [More]

Microsoft Finally Resolving A Five-Year-Old Skype Privacy Flaw For All Users
There’s a security flaw in Skype that can expose users’ location. That’s not the news, though: that flaw was discovered in 2010, and published in 2011. No, the news is this: after more than five long years and one big acquisition by Microsoft, that problem is finally fixed. [More]

Widespread Skype Outage Prevents Some Users From Signing In, Making Voice Calls
If you’ve been having trouble with Skype today, you aren’t alone: after customers in the U.S., Japan and Europe reported difficulty signing in and making calls, Skype said that a technical issue with the app had caused some people’s online contacts to appear as if they were offline, even when they were signed into Microsoft’s Internet calling service. [More]

Microsoft Under Pressure To Cough Up Skype Privacy Reports
While you’re chitchatting away on Skype with your friend living halfway around the world or maybe showing your new kitchen improvements to your mother by carrying the laptop around, what is Skype doing with your information, and what happens if the government tries to get it? A group of privacy advocates are putting Microsoft in the hot seat with a letter asking it to answer such questions. [More]

You Still Shouldn't Keep A Large Balance In Your Skype Account
Manoj has a very important piece of advice for Consumerist readers: don’t carry a large balance in your Skype account. We actually published a post last year entitled, “Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Carry A Large Balance In Your Skype Account,” but it’s an important lesson that bears repeating, like “keep your receipts for major purchases” or “don’t shop at Sears.” [More]

Skype Gives Me The "Fraudulent Call" Excuse On Unlimited Plan
Reader James B. was pretty psyched to have nabbed an unlimited plan from Skype so his wife could call her mother in Colombia for as long as she wanted to, a deal he writes is no longer offered, but he kept due to a legacy policy. But now that unlimited plan has quite a limit — that is, his wife can’t get through to her mother anymore. [More]

Here's Why You Shouldn't Carry A Large Balance In Your Skype Account
Some strange things happened to Rob’s Skype account recently, Scammers drained his account balance and tried to steal money from his credit card, too. While his credit card remained untouched, and his account is now secure, he’d still like that stolen balance back. Skype is awfully sorry, but he’s not going to get that money back. [More]

Yep, Microsoft Bought Skype For $8.5 Billion
The rumor was true, Microsoft has purchased Skype for $8.5 billion in cash. The Wall Street Journal says the deal will allow the company to integrate Skype into everything from its Bing search engine to Windows smartphones and its Xbox 360 video game system. [More]

How To Win A Skype Interview
When you’re hunting for an out-of-state job, you may find prospective employers would rather save some coin by interviewing you over Skype rather than flying you out for a sit-down. The relatively new format may leave you inexperienced, but you’ll have to make the most out of your awkward video chat to beat the competition. [More]

Skype Offers $1 Credit Voucher Following Massive Outage
Following last week’s 24-hour crash that left millions of Skype customers searching for landlines, the online phone company is offering some token compensation to those who were inconvenienced. [More]

Fry's Exchanges Empty Box For Phone Without Batting An Eye
Talk about buyer’s remorse! Troy bought a new Wifi Skype phone from Fry’s. Upon opening the box at home he discovered that the box had all the accessories in it, but no phone. He girded himself for an epic confrontation when marched back to the store. Something involving shooting ball lightning and calling forth minions, but he ended up not needing any battlemage skills whatsoever. [More]

Skype Now Available On Nokia Symbian Phones
If you’ve got a Nokia Symbian phone and are planning to travel abroad, or maybe you’re just someone who makes a lot of calls overseas, Skype has announced that there’s now a free app that could save you a lot of money. [More]

AT&T CSR Recommends I Use Skype Rather Than Rely On Network
While in Brooklyn, Simon suffered dropped calls on his iPhone 3G S and complained to AT&T on its Facebook page. He heard back from customer service with some reasonable yet embarrassing advice. He forwarded us the email: [More]

eBay's $2.025 Billion Sale Of Skype Complete
eBay has successfully unloaded Skype. They remain a minority stakeholder, but 70% of Skype has been sold to a group that includes the original co-founders of the internet telephony company.

Skype On iPhone Gets Thumbs Up From AT&T
If you’ve been waiting for a chance to use Skype on your iPhone over AT&T’s network to save on international calls or supplement your calling plan’s minutes, your day has come. After a little nudge from the FCC, the company has reversed its ban on VOIP apps on its data network, and will now let you Skype away until you run out of people to call or things to say.

Hey, Skype, Why Can't I Change My Billing Information?
Over the last 1-2 years Skype has gone from being a great alternative to the greedy phone companies, to being worse than AT&T, Time Warner Cable and Comcast combined. Skype’s shady business practices are unlike anything I have experienced with ANY phone or cable company before. And I am saying this as someone who spends $150/year on Skype subscriptions and at least another $50-$75/year on additional Skype out credits.