Chad is a T-Mobile customer who used to be a Sidekick user. He also still is a Sidekick user, depending on which situation is more advantageous to T-Mobile. See, he signed a new contract and got a shiny new Sidekick last February. Earlier this year, that phone died and he bought an inexpensive Android phone to use while he waits out his contract. T-Mobile is ending Sidekick service soon, and has offered users still under contract the choice of leaving their contracts with no early termination fee, or switching to a different subsidized phone and sticking around. Chad is still under the original contract that he signed when he got his Sidekick last year, but at the same time is not under a Sidekick contract according to T-Mobile, so neither option is open to him. [More]

T-Mobile Puts Sidekick Out To Pasture, Annoys Former Customer
Adam is one of the last of the T-Mobile Sidekick customers hanging around. The phone is finally being put to pasture in May, as T-Mobile turns to Android instead of Danger/Microsoft. But Adam is annoyed at how T-Mobile chose to (not) tell him, and their offer of a replacement phone. Not that this actually affects him, since he had switched to Verizon days before. [More]

Microsoft: We May Have Recovered Sidekick Users' Lost Data
Maybe those lawsuits over the Sidekick data outage were a little premature. Microsoft, parent company of Sidekick maker Danger Inc, reports that they have recovered most, if not all, of users’ lost data. Yay!

T-Mobile: We Won't Swap Out Your Sidekick For A Different Phone
Amber is a pre-paid Sidekick owner who has been a T-Mobile customer for 7 years. After the recent T-Mobile data disaster, she doesn’t intend to get burned again. She wants to switch to a different phone, and she wants T-Mobile to buy back her Sidekick since they can’t deliver the data security they promised. Initially T-Mobile agreed, but then they pulled a Sidekick Data Outage on their promise and it disappeared forever.

First Sidekick Data Outage Lawsuits Filed
After T-Mobile Sidekick users lost data access for the better part of a week, then lost the information stored on their phones, it should surprise no one that the lawsuits are already flying. Though it is surprising that none of them were filed by Perez Hilton.

T-Mobile Sidekick Data Outage Turns Into Epic Customer Data Fail
This time last week, we thought of the T-Mobile Sidekick data outage as a mere inconvenient outage, but a temporary one. We grossly misunderstimated how badly T-Mobile and Danger/Microsoft could screw things up.

T-Mobile Sidekick Data Outage: Day Three
We’ve been receiving mail from outraged T-Mobile Sidekick users all weekend, reporting nationwide data outages since Friday. For many users, this includes lack of access to not just e-mail and IM, but also address books unless saved to the SIM.
T-Mobile: Wanting to Buy Stuff From Us Is Fraud
Who knew that wanting to buy a whole bunch of crap from T-mobile was fraud? Reader Christine writes:

Sidekick Celebrity Hacker House Arrested, Fined
Gizmoodo notes the hacker who penetrated T-mobile Sidekick servers and accessed user’s private information, has been sentenced to house arrested and ordered to pay T-Mobile $10,000. Among the compromised data set was a Secret Service agent’s secret documents and candids of Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, and Demi Moore (left) and Ashton Kutcher (right, cowboy hat).

The News; Clunkers & Claptrap
• Now your Vonage bill will come with a boonies subsidy fee, just like grownup telcos. [NYT] “Net Phone Service Providers Are Told to Pay Subsidy Fee”

Sidekick Return From Thief, After Mass Internet Shaming
All it took was the force of thousands of people around the world shaming them, and a trip to the police station, but a girl has finally been reunited with her stolen Sidekick.