The long trip from San Francisco to London became even longer for nearly 400 passengers on a British Airways flight after the plane had to make an emergency landing when dozens of passengers and crew members became ill. [More]

British Airways Flight Diverted After 25 Crew Members, Passengers Become Sick

More Than 220 Fall Ill On Two Separate Royal Caribbean Operated Cruise Ships
Just two months after the first cruise-related norovirus outbreak occurred on a Royal Caribbean vessel, two more of the company’s ships – this time traveling along the west coasts of California and Mexico – have reported a virus has led to illness in more than 215 passengers and crew members. [More]

The 4 Ailments Most Likely Responsible For ER Visits
No one wants to make a trip to the emergency room, but it happens. And when it does occur, doctors might have a good idea of the reason thanks to new data that shows what ailments patients in each U.S. region typically suffer from. [More]

63% Of Restaurant Workers Admit To Serving While Sick
Waiter! There’s a phlegm in my soup! And it’s yours! 63% of restaurant workers in a new survey said they had cooked and served food while sick, putting consumers at risk, and also being just gross. [More]

CDC And Celebrity Cruises Can't Figure Out Why Passengers Keep Getting Sick
Remember the diarrhea nightmare vessel that sickened 450 passengers a few weeks back? Once it got back home, Celebrity Cruises delayed the next trip by a day so that it could perform a “full cleaning.” It didn’t help much, though: CNN says that about 10% of passengers on the next sailing got sick, and about 19% of passengers on the current sailing are now sick. [More]

Caribbean Cruise Ship Turns Into Diarrhea Nightmare Vessel
When gastrointestinal illness hits a cruise ship, there’s nowhere to run or hide, as nearly 450 passengers and crewmembers aboard the Celebrity Cruises ship Mercury have discovered. Celebrity Cruises says they they’re still investigating what caused the outbreak, but the symptoms include “upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhea,” according to their spokeswoman. [More]

United Airlines Won't Help Rush You To Your Dying Mother's Bedside Because "It's Time For The Ticketing Agent's Break"
Mike rushed his girlfriend to the airport to catch a flight to see her dying mother, only to watch her miss the flight because United Airline’s ticketing agent refused to help because “it was time for her to go on her break.” Passengers waiting in line were more than willing to let Mike’s girlfriend skip to the front of the line, but her sad situation apparently wasn’t enough to earn the agent’s sympathies. When his girlfriend finally reached the gate in time to watch her flight depart, the gate agent defended his colleague’s lack of sympathy, saying “management really makes us work some unreasonable schedules.”

10,000 Babies May Have Consumed Poison Milk
Remember melamine, last year’s pet-killing poison? It’s back with a vengeance, and this year it wants Chinese babies. As many as 10,000 may have consumed melamine-laced milk powder, according to authorities. Even worse, a New Zealand company detected the poison weeks ago but couldn’t convince local officials to issue a recall. Only after New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark demanded action did the Chinese recall the death milk.

Chipotle Closes For Hepatitis A Outbreak, Have A Coupon!
An anonymous tipster wrote to us about how Chipotle, known for their delicious, healthy burritos, handled a Hepatitis A outbreak at his neighborhood store. This might be the one case of a corporation giving you something for free, and it not making the situation any better. Read his letter, inside.

Suburban Chicago Hospital Will Close After Being Crushed By Too Many Uninsured Patients
In a stunning development underscoring the plight of non-profit hospitals struggling with the increase in uninsured patients, the Catholic ownership of St. Francis Hospital & Health Center on Wednesday said it will shutter the hospital because nobody would buy it.