Citizen Bank customers expecting to see their paychecks added to the balance of their accounts Friday morning were disappointed to find that wasn’t the case: A glitch in the bank’s system prevented paychecks and other direct deposits from being processed. [More]
show me the money

IRS Waiting On 1 Million Taxpayers To Claim Almost $1B In Refunds From 2013
There is free money to be had, but you don’t have much time: Just like last year, the Internal Revenue Service says about one million taxpayers have yet to collect nearly a billion dollars in federal refunds from the 2013 tax year. [More]

Woman's $10K Mortgage Payment Vanishes Into Thin Air
File this one under “U” for Uncool: After a woman transferred $50,000 over five days from her bank account to her mortgage lender to pay down her mortgage, somehow $10,000 of that money just… disappeared. Or so it seemed. [More]