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Morning Deals

Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
- Clothing

What Is The Most Efficient Checkout Line?
This quick video shows how the research by a 19th century German telephone engineer gave us the best checkout line system. As popularized by banks and Whole Foods, that’s the one where one line feeds all the checkout counters instead of people queuing for individual registers. It also goes into why the other lane always seems to be moving faster. It’s not just your perception; in a strange paradox, it is just mathematically more likely that the line you are in is more likely to be moving slower than the others. [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

This Sale Depends On What The Meaning Of "Everything" Is
If you see signage in a store that says “40% off everything,” what do you assume that might mean? While shopping at Ann Taylor Loft, Mike had this wild idea that such signs mean that everything in the store is marked down 40%. He was wrong. The sale specifically excluded new spring merchandise in one corner of the store…which most of the store signage failed to mention. [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Beware These 7 Holiday Ripoffs
Before you finish your holiday shopping, you may want to take a look at this list compiled by Forbes of 7 popular items that get marked up way too much. Among the worst: greeting cards, which have a markup of up to 200% above cost. [More]
Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing