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Morning Deals

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Sometimes, It's Cheaper To Pay Shipping Than To Drive To The Store
It may seem like you’re saving money when you climb in your car to pick something up at the store, or use free site-to-store shipping. But when you take into account the total cost of owning and driving a car, sometimes ordering the item at home without leaving the couch is more economical, even if you do have to pay shipping. How does that work? [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Extra Sneaky Grocery Shrink Ray Hits Sun Detergent
It looks like our good old friend the Grocery Shrink Ray has zapped bottles of Sun detergent. The after effect is a little extra trickier than usual, though. The new smaller size screams, “50% MORE LOADS!” while in tiny print underneath that it says “vs. 29 load size.” In reality, it has three few ounces than the older version. Sly! [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Not Even Warm And Fuzzy Cereals Immune From Grocery Shrink Ray
As an avid Consumerist reader, Drew knows to watch out when the boxes on the supermarket shelves get a makeover. Oftentimes these are tell-tale signs that the grocery shrink ray has been at it, reducing the amount of content you get and charging you more. His favorite cereal, Kashi Honey Sunshine, was a recent victim, dropping from 12 oz to 10.5 oz and getting a “New Look!” in the process. [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Caption These Hamsters Shopping
“I’m sorry, this pile of hay doesn’t count as a valid form of photo ID.” [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing