It’s not just drug stores that have boosted prices for grocery items, but also campus dining options at universities. Reader Bryan Carroll wrote an article about them for his school newspaper at Stonybrook University, The Statesman. On average, he found the food items from the campus commissary were a whopping 42 percent higher than local grocery stores. [More]

How Buying Grocery Items At A Drug Store Can Be A Bad Deal
Drug stores have been adding more and more food items to their shelves lately, but is it a good deal to get your mac and cheese from the same place you get your Advil? ConsumerWorld did a mystery shopping investigation to find out, and the results will give you a headache. [More]

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This Craft Store Really Doesn't Trust Its Customers
When A. saw that a local craft store had a “no bags” policy, she assumed that meant that the store didn’t allow shopping bags from other stores. No, it refers to purses and other personal bags. It’s not a huge hardship to lock one’s purse up and carry one’s wallet around in order to browse a store, but it is awfully annoying. [More]

Morning Deals
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