
Denton’s World News Round Up

Airline Pensions Under Government Review [Consumer Affairs]

Morning Deals Round Up

• Having just received a very nice set of DeWalt tools for our birthday, we have no need of Amazon’s Two-Day Tool Sale. We remain intrigued, however, by a coupon code that works just for ladders: $50 off $250 code LADDER50 and $25 off $125 code LADDER23.

French Use Naked Women To Sell Cheese

French Use Naked Women To Sell Cheese

The French finally have the right idea about something. Shying away from the stuffy pretension the lugubrious Frogs have usually employed to advertise their food stuffs, one sassy mademoiselle is promoting cheese in the way God intended: by photographing various semi-clad French wenches holding plates of camembert in their bras and panties. Can we — the loyal consumers of numerous baguette-spreadable cheeses — do anything less than offer this visionary a tripod salute?

What’s Your Favorite Rewards Program?

Reader Rik P. wants to know about your favorite rewards programs:

I think it would be useful to poll folks on how they feel about the various credit card reward programs out there. My girlfriend has been using one of those frequent flyer mile credit cards and has yet to earn anything close to a free trip, despite three years of charging.

Morning Deals Round Up

• We’ve suggested it before but we’re suggesting it again: Groundhog Day is perhaps the best movie ever made.

The Secret Code of Beer Expiration Dates

The Secret Code of Beer Expiration Dates

Beer — an alcoholic beverage brewed with hops, malt and barley; once referred to by Keats as “sweet liquid bread” — has a half life of about three months. Six months from the date of brewing, beer turns from inebriating mana into hobo swill. Then why is it that most American beers do not display their expiration dates, so consumer’s can pick the freshest brew possible? [More]

Consumers Speak: Carmax Leaves Car Buyer Chapped

Consumers Speak: Carmax Leaves Car Buyer Chapped

The selling did not go so smoothly.

Morning Deals Round Up

Shattered Hopes Sale of the Day:’s 72-hour online sale. There is a serious lack of the good stuff. Still, some prices up to 50% off, and up to 29% of their full line of Vibratex vibrators.

Consumers Speak: Rocks

Consumers Speak: Rocks

We’re really going to have to change our tagline to “Consumers suck up”. We’ve receive yet another excellent endorsement for a company’s customer service… this time, online t-shirt retailer, who sell a variety of Japanohydrocephalia-brand merchandise. Also, the adorable Tofu robot t-shirt to the left!

FDA Now Requires Beetles To Be Disclosed On Food Packaging

FDA Now Requires Beetles To Be Disclosed On Food Packaging

Morning Deals Round Up

• When you sign up for a free trial at Yahoo! Personals, you’ll also get a free $10 Starbucks gift card. Nothing makes a first date turn into something more like sweaty hands and coppery breath.

Ford Fusion Ad Features Irrelevant iPod

Ford Fusion Ad Features Irrelevant iPod

From a review of the Ford ad on Slate:

The Consumerist Shops: Beanie Bargains

The Consumerist Shops: Beanie Bargains

We recently used Etsy to commission a hand-knit beanie for just $15 from the lovely Nguyen Le, whose work we had see after a post on BoingBoing detailing her knitted ‘power cord’ belt. We like commissioning things—it makes us feel important—and it’s nice to think that one’s money is going directly to the person who made your custom kit. (We’re using a picture of Nguyen’s awesome Tangerine Felted Bag, because while our beanie is lovely, that bag is ever more so.)

Morning Deals Round Up

• In places in the midwest, there is an almost religious respect given to the mighty Chipotle. We suspect it is not that their burritos are so excellent, although they are certainly good, but that in our fast food nation, food that actually uses fresh vegetables should be cherished. Chipotle is running a promotion that will probably make the college boys go even wilder: Buy a $5 gift card between now and the 11th, bring the receipt back between the 12th and 14th, and receive a free burrito. Value! [via SlickDeals]

Zafus and Chakras: Yoga Exercise Clothes

Zafus and Chakras: Yoga Exercise Clothes

Here’s a tip: if you’re ever out on a date with a girl and she tells you she’s into Pilates, don’t quip: “Pontius Pilates? Me too!” then immediately start asking her what she thought of Pilates’ philosophical dilemma in Master and Margarita. While it may emit a chuckle around the Down’s Syndrome Algonquin Round Table which you chair, it doesn’t really fly among the exercise set.

Morning Deals Round Up

Amazon’s Friday Sale—Because Thursdays are for suckers.

Michelin Stars Predominately Awarded To Sleazy, Ingratiating Frogs

We really can’t add anything* to this exhaustive, informative and entertaining look at the Frog-leaning prejudice of the Michelin’s restaurant rating system over at the Accidental Hedonist. It’s just really, really good. To whet the appetite:

Sled Review Round-Up Over At Slate

Sled Review Round-Up Over At Slate

John Brownlee here, yet again breaking the fourth wall and slipping out of the Consumerist’s royal ‘we.’ When I was growing up, I lived on a precipitous street — in Massachusetts’ cruel winters, a shimmering slope of ice terminating in the child-chewing combine of the motorway that bisected my hometown. When it snowed, the plows would often times just stop at the bottom of the hill; then, the drivers leaning out of their cabs, they would scratch their heads, eventually trying an ascent that always ended fifty feet up with their vehicles wildly spinning out of control, back down into incoming highway traffic. Needless to say, it was the best street ever to live on if you loved to sled, and I have many fond memories of kicking off from the top of the hill on my hand-me-down Flexible Flyer, shooting down in a fire storm of steam and molten metal shards like a bullet sliding through a well-oiled gun barrrel, then launching through and across the highway at a thousand miles an hour, leaving a killing fields of jack-knifed semis and exploding car wrecks in my wake. It was awesome.