The class action system is slow, profitable for lawyers, and flawed, but for now it’s the best tool that ordinary consumers have for holding companies that have wronged a lot of people responsible with a relatively small financial impact. Not all suits are well publicized, though, and you might not know that you’re eligible. Did you buy a computer between 2003 and 2008? How about “natural” cleaning products or lavender-scented baby products? [More]
seventh generation

Unilever Buys Seventh Generation. What About Honest Co.?
Days after Unilever was rumored to be discussing a deal to purchase The Honest Company — the line of household and personal care products co-founded by actress Jessica Alba — the company behind everything from Ben & Jerry’s to Vaseline added a different high-profile independent brand to its portfolio: The eco-friendly cleaning supply folks at Seventh Generation. [More]

Wisk And Costco Knock Tide From Top Detergent Greatness Spot
Tide might be the detergent of choice for criminals, but our stain-fighting cousins over at Consumer Reports tell us that in terms of actual quality, there’s a new champion in town. Products from Wisk and Kirkland (Costco’s house brand) took the top spots in their most recent detergent rankings. [More]

Here Comes Liquid Laundry Detergent In A Cardboard Bottle
The eco-friendly folks at Seventh Generation are set to release a new package for their laundry detergent that uses 100% recycled cardboard instead of plastic for the bottle. [More]

Just Because It Says "Organic" Doesn't Mean It Won't Give You A Ton Of Cancer
Here at the Consumerist we’re not trying to tell you that you need to buy organic soap, but if you do want organic soap… we think you should get what you’re paying for.