As a self-employed certified tax cat, I make sure to take advantage of every opportunity possible to reduce my taxable income. The health insurance premiums I pay for me and my litter have always worked to bring that number down, but they never did anything to reduce the amount I had to pay in Medicare and Social Security taxes. Until now. [More]
self employed

Fun Summer Project: Get Your Tax Records In Order!
Inc. magazine has published a list of tips on how to get your home business tax documentation in order right now, so next year’s tax filing will be trouble free. Sure, this isn’t the most exciting staycation idea ever, but on the other hand anything you can do at home you can do in your underwear with a six pack of beer. I should really become a motivational speaker. [More]

America's First Legal Male Prostitute Quits After Three Months
Markus, the first legal male prostitute in the U.S., hung his shingle at the Shady Lady Ranch in Nevada in January. Since then he’s had “fewer than 10 paying customers” according to the Associated Press (which seems to imply there were some free samples maybe?), so he’s quitting and going back into porn. In other words, there’s a new opening at Shady Lady, gentlemen. Wait, that totally didn’t sound right. [More]

Can't Find Work In Your Field? Move To NYC And Open A Food Cart
If you were laid off from your job, or can’t find one in the industry you trained for, you can always sell food to people on sidewalks. That’s what at least two people are doing in New York, while a third has opened a cart to supplement his regular income. Update: But don’t expect to actually make any money, according to this article tipped to us by Zach.

Self-Employed? Here's How To Do Your Taxes
Being self-employed can be a source of personal satisfaction, but also headache, especially when it comes to doing one’s taxes. Fortunately, there’s an extremely lucid step-by-step guide posted over at E-How. They’ll walk you through everything you need to do, from determining your status, to your expenses and deductions. The guide points out important things to remember, like the extreme importance of using exact numbers when claiming deductions. Rounded numbers might be easier to add, but they’re also a red flag to IRS auditors (if you learn nothing else from Girls Gone Wild, let it be this).
Radiohead’s pay-what-you-want experiment is going well, according to a band spokesman, who says that “most people are deciding on a normal retail price with very few trying to buy it for a penny.” Most pre-orders so far have been for the more expensive (we guess?) disc-box version, which comes with a book, two CDs, vinyl copies, more songs, and a ringtone of Thom Yorke mewing like a hurt cat. Oh, wait, no ringtone—that would make it a Ringle. [Wired]
How To File Taxes If You're Self-Employed
This moderately difficult tutorial walks the self-employed through the steps of filing taxes.