There remains a perception, among many owners of Apple devices and products, that they are immune from the malware, security flaws, and viruses that often hit the competition. Sadly, that’s not true. An iOS device or a Mac can be just as vulnerable to a flaw as any other — and right now, yours is. [More]
security flaws

Update Your iPhone Now To Fix Flaw That Can Let Hackers Steal Your Stuff With A Single Text

Big Bunch Of Legitimate Business Websites Hijacked To Deliver You Bad Malware
You know to avoid sketchy sites, and always double-check your URLs. You like to think that going to a legitimate business website is going to be pretty safe, malware-wise. But alas, even the most legitimate site is vulnerable to security flaws… and a whole wave of them have recently been hijacked to try to extort money from you. [More]

Some Dell Laptops Shipping With Big Security Flaw Pre-Installed
There are millions of Dell laptops out there in the world; businesses buy them by the tens of thousands and plenty of home consumers use them too. And unfortunately, that means there are millions of laptops out there with a big fat security hole that could allow mischief-makers and would-be-thieves a way to access users’ private, theoretically secure data. [More]

Researcher Says It Only Takes Minutes To Hack Most Smart Home Security Devices
With a security hack taking place just about everyday, consumers are more on-guard than ever when it comes to making sure their personal information are secure from ne’er-do-wells. But a new report points out that we might be inviting those hackers into our homes with open arms thanks to the less-than-optimal security of many smart home products. [More]

Apple Pushes Its First Automated Security Update Ever For Mac Users
Mac users are seeing something they’ve never, ever seen before: Apple is pushing its first-ever automated security update to Mac computers this week, to address a flaw that could allow attackers to remotely access Mac computers. [More]

Microsoft: Internet Explorer Security Flaw Responsible For “Limited, Targeted Attacks”
Another day, another computer security problem that could be opening up people to hack attacks: Microsoft says there’s a security hole in versions 6 through 11 of Internet Explorer, the default browser for many a PC user. And hey, remember when you were warned to stop running Windows XP? This is why. [More]

Tinder Fails For Months To Inform Public Of Security Flaw That Reveals Users’ Exact Location
UPDATE Feb. 20: Tinder sent Consumerist the following statement the day after this story originally ran. It’s from CEO and founder Sean Rad. [More]