An employee at a KFC eatery in England says that when he received a call from a woman claiming to be a rep for John Travolta, asking to reserve a table for the Boy In the Plastic Bubble star, he told the woman “no,” but not because he thought he was being pranked. [More]

Bad News: New Scientology Commercials Better Than The Old
Until recently, Scientology ads had a built-in safety valve to protect sane but impressionable people. They had the overabundance of numinous sky and sunset shots, fake gold lettering with clumsily Photoshopped twinkly glints, and too much of everything, slathered on with fists of ham. The ads gave that subtle sense of unease that comes from being part of a well-funded cult.

Helio Baits Customer With 1-Year Contract, Switches Him To 2-Year
I wanted to sign up for the Ocean on May 13th, but I noticed that on the web site, the only option for contracts was a 24 month agreement. Given that Helio is a new company, I wasn’t sure I wanted to commit to two years. I called Helio to find out if I could get a one-year agreement. The customer service rep that I spoke to was very accommodating and said I could have a one year deal. I mentioned a web promo code that would get me some other discounts, including the $30 activation fee waved, and $25 off the first four months of service, and she said that I could have all that, as well as a nice discount on the phone itself. I signed up then and there.
A Word From Our Sponsor… Scientology
But questions remain, like, where’s the kid in the wheelchair?