Shaming a debtor may be an effective — and potentially illegal or unethical — way of getting them to pay up, but should children who have no control over their family finances be publicly shamed if it gets their parents to pay their outstanding school lunch bills? [More]
school lunch

School Fined $15,000 Because Bookstore Sold Soda During Lunch
A high school in Utah says it won’t be able to pay for some of its arts programs this year because it’s been hit with a $15,000 federal fine after the school’s bookstore was caught allegedly selling soda during lunch time. [More]

Study: Don't Blame School Lunches For Childhood Obesity
As childhood obesity rates have increased over the last few decades, a lot of focus has been put on insuring that school lunches are healthier than the chocolate milk/cheeseburger/tater tot pig-out some of us grew up eating. But according to a new study, the real source of those extra pounds is the stuff kids are devouring when they’re not in school. [More]

No More Chocolate Milk, Corn Dogs Or Chicken Nuggets For L.A. School Students
Almost a year ago, as school boards across the country began to ponder whether or not to keep chocolate milk on students’ lunch menus, we asked readers for their opinions, and 75% of you said that the milky, chocolatey childhood fave should continue to be offered, at least part of the time. The folks at the Los Angeles Unified School District disagree, voting yesterday to take away chocolate milk and other goodies from students at the second largest school district in the nation. [More]