Are you a big-time gamer? Want to go to college, but worried about the high price of admission? The University of Utah might have a viable option for you: The school now offers scholarships for competitive video gaming. [More]

Amazon Wants College Students To Join Prime, Offers Cash And Scholarships
Students who are heading to college can find scholarships from a wide variety of sources, but did you ever expect to see one from Amazon? The Amazon Student scholarship uses all of the usual criteria to select its winners: GPA, extracurricular activities, and test scores. It’s also only open to members of Amazon Student, the version of Amazon Prime meant to hook college students. [More]

High School Senior Auctions Himself On eBay To Acquire College Baseball Scholarship
There are thousands of scholarships available to prospective college students each year. But there are only so many Division 1 athletic scholarships to go around and snagging one of those could be considered an incredible feat. [More]

Scholarships For Moms Seeking Degrees
Juggling parenthood and college classes is no easy feat, and even tougher when you consider the financial side of the equation. Any scholarships out there help, and it so happens that there are several out there earmarked for mothers attempting to better their career prospects by earning degrees. [More]

Bundle Together Several Small Scholarships
Rather than banking on one big scholarship, students are finding success by stringing together several small scholarships. By filling out an online questionnaire, you can get matched up with organizations that focus on specific subjects, talents, interest groups, ethnicities, and industries. Here’s your first step: [More]

Win $5,000 Scholarship For Wearing Duct Tape To Prom
For those of us not lucky enough to be born poor or smart, there are tons of other scholarships out there that reward uniqueness, skills and “just being yourself.” For instance, there’s the $5,000 you and your date could win for wearing an outfit made of Duct Tape to prom. [More]

Weirdest College Scholarships Ever
ZenCollegeLife hit the books and dug up some wild examples of affirmative action, including scholarships for tall people, the left-handed and psychics. [More]

Will Ferrell Introduces Sunscreen For Men
Okay, maybe it’s not just for men, but you can’t help but feel studly when you look at the labels for these bottles of 30 SPF sunscreen. And yes, it’s real; apparently Ferrell is pulling a Paul Newman and selling Completely Random Products for charity. In this case, the proceeds go to a scholarship fund for cancer survivors.

Castle Toyota Rescinds Scholarships After Students Decide To Mourn Their Dead Teacher Instead Of Staging A Commercial
Poor Howard Castleman. All he wanted was a little PR for his car dealership. Castleman planned to give four scholarships to students at Patterson High School in Baltimore, but instead of honoring Castleman’s charity by inviting the media and displaying his dealership’s banner at the senior’s farewell ceremony, the school instead decided to honor a long-time teacher who recently died of a heart attack…