The retransmission agreement between Dish Network and Tribune Broadcasting is up, and that means it’s time for a protracted negotiation. This time, the content company and the satellite company are dragging customers who probably just want to go watch some baseball into the dispute. This time, Tribune is urging Dish subscribers to just use a different cable provider. Dish Network doesn’t appreciate the campaign or its website, and has sued Tribune Broadcasting. [More]
satellite of rage

SiriusXM Charges Customer $2,085 For $25 Subscription, Shrugs
If you’ve bought a vehicle with SiriusXM satellite radio in recent years, you know how this deal was supposed to work: a customer who bought a new van had three months of the service for free to try it out, then the company offered her a 5-month trial subscription at $5 per month. Only something went terribly wrong, and SiriusXM charged her the seemingly random amount of $417. Five times. [More]

Don’t Like 24/7 Billy Joel? SiriusXM Can Just Suspend Your Service
Late last month, SiriusXM took ’40s on 4, its earliest decade-themed station, off the air and replaced it with a three-month temporary station that plays only the music of Billy Joel. Earlier this week, we shared a reader’s tip to complain and get a three-month refund for the inconvenience. Well, SiriusXM is on to us. [More]

Sad About Losing SiriusXM ’40s On 4? Try Asking For A Refund
When we posted on Friday about SiriusXM temporarily bumping their station ’40s on 4 to make room for a station that’s 24/7 Billy Joel, we didn’t realize how many people enjoy rocking out Greatest Generation-style in their cars. One fan was able to get a small concession from SiriusXM, and this might work for others, too. [More]

SiriusXM Swaps ’40s Music For Billy Joel, Learns That People Really Love ’40s Music
If you’ve never had SiriusXM satellite radio, you might not be familiar with their station “’40s on 4.” It’s exactly what it sounds like: songs from the first half of this century that your grandparents or great-grandparents might sing along with. You might assume that this sort of station wouldn’t be popular enough in 2014 to prompt a public outcry when it’s taken away. You would be wrong. [More]