Bad news for up to 600 million Samsung Galaxy phone owners worldwide: a big fat new vulnerability has been found that could let anyone with the inclination to cause trouble into your phone to read your messages, listen to your mic, watch your camera, and push malware at you. Oops. [More]
samsung galaxy s4

Samsung, AT&T To Replace Water-Damaged Waterproof Phones
The whole point of the recently released Samsung Galaxy S4 Active is that it is supposed to be waterproof. Yet some users have been complaining that the device doesn’t live up to its hype or its supposed water-resistance rating, and a new report claims that AT&T and Samsung will be giving people who purchased the S4 Active the opportunity for a one-time-only exchange. [More]

SquareTrade Hurls Samsung Galaxy S4 At The Ground, Probably Denies Own Claim
Do you enjoy product reviews from our sibling publication Consumer Reports, but wish that there were more smashing? Do you love the classic “Will it Blend?” YouTube videos, but want to see items destroyed in more realistic situations? You’re in luck. The hard-working experts at extended warranty/protection plan provider SquareTrade conducted a publicity stunt series of tests on current top-of-the-line smartphones to see which was most likely to survive being dropped on a corner from shoulder height, dunked in water, and slid across a table. That last one is kind of anticlimactic. [More]